Add Assignees to an RFI as an Assignee on an RFI


To add additional assignees to an RFI as an assignee on the RFI. 


As an assignee on an RFI, you may sometimes find that you need additional input from another team member. When that occurs, you can use the steps below to add additional assignees to the RFI.

You are a project engineer who collaborated with second project engineer to specify the material requirements of a building exterior. To answer an RFI question about the required fire rating of the exterior cladding that was specified, you would want to add your co-engineer as an assignee to get their input.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the Project level RFIs tool. 
  2. Locate the RFI in the list. Then click View.
    Note: There are several ways other ways to open an RFI when you are an assignee. To learn more, see How do I access an RFI as an assignee?
  3. In the General tab, scroll to the Responses card.
  4. Click the icon-plus-quick-create-mobile.png icon.
  5. Click Add Assignees.
  6. In the Assignees drop-down menu, search for and select the name of one or more users you want to add as an Assignee.
  7. Optional: Check the box next to assignee names to make their response required.
  8. Click Add.
    A green banner displays to confirm the user or users were successfully added. They are added to the Assignees and Ball In Court fields on the RFI, and emails are sent according to the project's settings. See When does the RFIs tool send email notifications?

Next Step

See Also