Incidents - Tutorials
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Add a Multi-Tiered Location to an Item
Add a Near Miss Record to an Incident
Add a Property Damage Record to an Incident
Add a Related Item to an Incident
Add a Witness Statement to an Incident
Add an Action to an Incident
Add an Environmental Record to an Incident
Add an Injury/Illness Record to an Incident
Close an Incident
Configure Advanced Settings: Incidents
Create an Incident
Delete an Incident
Delete an Incident Record
Edit a Near Miss Record
Edit an Incident
Edit an Injury/Illness Record
Email Incidents
Export Incidents as a CSV or PDF
Retrieve an Incident From the Recycle Bin
Search and Filter Incidents
View an Incident
Add a Record to an Incident (iOS)
Add a Witness Statement to an Incident (iOS)
Add an Action to an Incident (iOS)
Close Incidents (iOS)
Create Incidents (iOS)
Edit Incidents (iOS)
Search for and Filter for Incidents (iOS)
View Incidents (iOS)
Add a Record to an Incident (Android)
Add a Witness Statement to an Incident (Android)
Close Incidents (Android)
Create Incidents (Android)
Edit Incidents (Android)
Search and Filter for Incidents (Android)
View Incidents (Android)