Create and Link a New Correspondence Item from a Correspondence Response


To create and link a new correspondence item from a correspondence response on an existing correspondence item.

Things to Consider


Respond to a Correspondence Item


  1. Navigate to the project's Correspondence tool.
  2. Click the List tab.
  3. Click the Number next to the correspondence item with the response you want to create and link a new correspondence item to.
  4. In the Activity section, locate the response you want to create and link a new correspondence item to.
  5. Click Link and select 'Create & Link New Item'.
  6. Select the correspondence type from the 'Correspondence Types' section of the list. 
    You are redirected to the New [Correspondence Type] page for your new correspondence item.
    These fields automatically include the following information:
    • The Subject field includes the source correspondence item number and the source response number.
    • The Assignee field includes the person who posted the source response.
    • The Description field includes the source response number, the name of the person who posted the source response, the timestamp of the source response, and the full text of the source response.
      If the correspondence type used for the new correspondence item has a Default Description configured (see Configure Advanced Settings: Correspondence), the new correspondence item's Description will match the correspondence type's Default Description instead of the additional information from the source response.
    • Attachments uploaded in the source response are included as attachments to this new correspondence item. The attachment maximum for each correspondence item is 2,500 files. Attachments included in future Responses to this new correspondence item do not count toward this maximum. 
  7. Optional: Update the information in the Subject, Assignee, and Description fields as necessary.
  8. Finish creating the correspondence item. See Create a Correspondence Item.
    The Links section is visible when viewing the newly created correspondence item and includes a link to the source correspondence item. The Links section on the source correspondence item includes a link to the new correspondence item.

See Also