Respond to a Correspondence Item

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To post a response to a correspondence item. 


If you have been notified about a correspondence item, you can post a reply in the project's Correspondence tool in Procore.

Things to Consider


Respond to a Correspondence Item via Email

  1. In your email client, open the email that you received about the creation of the correspondence item or about you being added to the correspondence item.
  2. Click Reply in your email client.
  3. In the body of the reply, enter your response to the correspondence item.
    • Do not modify the email address in the To field.
    • If your email client has a customized format, your response will not maintain the custom format when it is added to Procore.
  4. Optional: Add any attachments you want to include in your response to the correspondence item.
  5. Click Send.
    The system adds your response (along with any attachments that you added) in the Activity section on the correspondence item and sends email notifications to users associated with the correspondence item. See Who receives correspondence item emails and push notifications?

Respond to a Correspondence Item in Procore

  1. Navigate to the project's Correspondence tool.
  2. Click the Number link for the correspondence item that you want to add a response to.
  3. In the Activity section under all existing responses, enter your message in the Response text box. 
  4. If you'd like to attach a file to your response, use one of these methods:  
    • Click  Attach File(s) to add one or more files from within Procore or your computer.
    • Drag and drop files from your computer.
  5. To save and publish, do one of the following:
    • Click Post Response  
    • Click Post Response And Change Status if you have permissions to edit the correspondence item and you want to change the item's status at this time.
      In the 'Choose Status' window, select a status from the 'Status' drop-down menu and then click Save and Change Status.
      Note: This option is not available to items using Workflow since the workflow stage determines the status.

After you post your response, the system sends an email notification to users associated with the correspondence item. See Who receives correspondence item emails and push notifications?


See Also

Create a Correspondence Item