Approve or Reject Project Connection Request

 In Beta
This functionality is currently only available in select regions for companies participating in the Connectability for Drawings beta. The beta will be extended globally soon.


To approve or reject requests to connect projects using the project's Connection Manager tool.


Connectability for Drawings enables two separate Procore company accounts to connect their projects. The connection is one-way and copies published drawings from an upstream source project to a downstream connected project in an unpublished state. Connected drawing metadata is automatically kept in sync with the upstream project.

Upstream company accounts can choose to automatically approve connections, or require review to manually accept or reject a downstream project's request to connect. See Configure Connection Approval Settings. Follow these steps if you chose to review and manually accept each connection.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Connection Manager tool.
  2. Under 'Downstream Projects' click Review Request.
  3. Click Approve to approve the connection.
    Click Reject to decline the connection.

See Also