Add a Line Item to a Commitment's Schedule of Values


To add a line item to the Schedule of Values (SOV) on a commitment


After you create a commitment, use the steps below to add line items to the Schedule of Values. 

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the project's Commitments tool.
  2. Under the Contracts tab, locate the commitment to update. Then click Edit.
  3. Click Schedule of Values.
  4. Click Add Line.
     If the 'Enable Always Editable Schedule of Values' setting is turned ON in the Commitments tool, users with the required user permission to Edit a Commitment can modify the Schedule of Values while a commitment is in any status. To learn more, see What is the 'Enable Always Editable Schedule of Values' setting?
  5. Follow the appropriate steps depending on whether your accounting method is Amount Based or Unit/Quantity Based:
    To edit your accounting method before adding SOV line items, see Edit the Advanced Settings Tab on a Commitment. To learn more, see How do I set the accounting method for a contract or funding?
    1. For contracts using the Amount Based accounting method:
      1. #
        Automatically enters a line item number in sequential order. 
      2. Change Event Line Item
        If you have change events enabled, you can select a change event line item if the commitment needs to be linked to a change event. 
      3. Budget Code
        Select a budget code from the list or click Create Budget Code to create a new one. See What is a budget code in Procore's WBS? 
      4. Description
        Enter a description for the line item. For example, type: Monthly Service Fee
      5. Amount
        Enter the amount of the cost.
      6. Billed to Date
        The system automatically calculates the amount billed on the commitment up to the current date.  
      7. Amount Remaining
        Enter the amount that has NOT been billed to the current date. 
      8. Tax Code
        Enter a tax code to use for this line item. This field only appears if you have enabled the tax codes feature. See How can I use tax codes on a project?
    2. For contracts using the Unit/Quantity Based accounting method:
      1. #
        Automatically enters a line item number in sequential order. 
      2. Change Event Line Item
        If you have change events enabled, you can select a change event line item if the commitment needs to be linked to a change event. 
      3. Budget Code
        Select a budget code from the list or click Create Budget Code to create a new one. See What is a budget code in Procore's WBS? 
      4. Description
        Enter a description for the line item. For example, type: Monthly Service Fee
      5. Qty
        Enter the number of units.
      6. UOM
        Enter the Unit of Measure (UOM).
      7. Unit Cost
        Enter the Unit Cost in the box provided.
      8. Amount
        The system automatically calculates the subtotal for you, based on the QtyUOM, and Unit Cost entries. 
      9. Billed to Date
        The system automatically calculates the amount billed on the commitment up to the current date. 
      10. Amount Remaining
        Enter the amount that has NOT been billed to the current date. 
      11. Tax Code
        Enter a tax code to use for this line item. This field only appears if you have enabled the tax codes feature. See How can I use tax codes on a project?
  6. Choose one of these options:
    • Save. Click this button to save the changes to the SOV. 
    • Save & Email. Click this button to save the change to the SOV and email the updates to the invoice contact.

See Also