Which units of measure are included on Procore's master list?


Procore's standard Unit of Measure (UOM) Master List in the Company level Admin tool includes nineteen (19) abbreviations and definitions. To learn how to add and customize the Master List for your company's Procore account, see Update a Unit of Measure on the Units of Measure Master List.

Category Display Name Definition
Time days Days
  hours Hours
  months Months
  weeks Weeks
  years Years
Amount ea Each
  ls Lump Sum
Length lf Linear Feet
  m Meter
  mm Millimeter
Area m2 Square Meter
  sf Square Feet
  sy Squard Yard
Volume cy Cubic Yard
  m3 Cubic Meter 
Mass kg Kilograms
  lbs Pounds
  t Tonnes
  ton Tons
Other - Other

See Also