View Change Events


To view a change event using the project's Change Events tool. 


After a change event is created, you can follow the steps below to view it in the project's Change Events tool. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Change Events tool. 
  2. Optional: At the top of the change event, you have these options:
    • Click the Edit button at the top of the page to edit the change event. To learn more, see Edit Change Events
    • Click the Export button and choose the PDF option from the drop-down menu. To learn more, see Export Change Events
    • Click the Vertical Ellipsis and choose the Email option from the drop-down menu. To learn more, see Email Change Events
    • Click the Vertical Ellipsis and choose the Clone option from the drop-down menu. To learn more, see Clone Change Events

View the General Information

In the General tab, the General Information card lets you view basic information about the change event: 

  • Attachments
    To download a file attachment to your computer's download location, click the file's link. If there are multiple attachments, a Download All link appears so you can download all of the attachments in a single action. 
    If the change event is linked to a T&M ticket, any file attachments from the T&M ticket is transferred to the 'Attachment' section when the change event is created so you can download it. 

View Line Items

The Line Items card on an individual change event lets you perform different viewing and editing functions. To learn about your options, see (Beta) View the Change Events Line Items View.

Change Event Data Columns

Change Event General Information
Change Event Detail
  • Item Type
    Shows the type associated with the line item: Line Item, or Markup.
  • Budget Code
    Shows the budget code associated with the line item. See What is a budget code in Procore's WBS?
  • Description
    Shows the description entered for the individual change event line item.
  • Vendor
    The name of the company whose contract(s) is/are potentially affected by the change event line item.
  • Contract
    The number and title of the contract being affected by the change event line item.
  • Unit of Measure
    The unit of measure selected for the change event line item. See Which units of measure are included on Procore's master list?
  • Unit of Measure
    The unit of measure selected for the measurable amount of work installed on the project that is associated with the change event line item.
  • Quantity
    The number of the chosen units of measure associated with the measurable amount of work installed on the project that is associated with the change event line item.
  • Quantity
    The number of the chosen units of measure associated with the revenue of the change event line item.
  • Unit Cost
    The value assigned to each unit associated with the revenue of change event line item.
  • Revenue ROM
    The rough order of magnitude (ROM) is the preliminary revenue value assigned to the change event line item.
  • Prime/Prime PCO 
    The value of the prime change order SOV line item connected to the change event line item.
  • Prime PCO Title
    The title of the change order or potential change order connected to the change event line item.
  • Latest Price
    The most up to date value associated with the revenue of the change event line item.
  • Quantity
    The number of the chosen units of measure associated with the cost of the line item.
  • Unit Cost
    The value assigned to each unit associated with the cost change event line item.
  • Cost ROM
    The rough order of magnitude (ROM) is the preliminary cost value assigned to the change event line item.
  • Request for Quote
    The value of a returned RFQ associated with the change event line item. 
  • RFQ Title
    The title of an RFQ associated with the change event line item.
  • Commitment/Commitment CO/PCO
    The value of the commitment or commitment change order SOV line item connected to the change event line item.
  • Commitment Title
    The title of the of the contract or change order connected to the change event line item.
  • Latest Cost
    The most up to date value associated with the cost of the change event line item.
  • Over/Under
    The difference between the 'Latest Price' and the 'Latest Cost'.
  • Quantity
    The number of the chosen units of measure associated with the budget of the change event line item.
  • Unit Cost
    The value assigned to each unit associated with the budget of the change event line item.
  • Budget ROM
    The rough order of magnitude (ROM) is the preliminary value assigned to a budget change connected to the change event line item.
  • Budget Change
    The value of the budget change connected to the change event line item.
  • Latest Budget Impact
    The most up to date value for the budget impact of the change event line item. The value will match the Budget ROM column or the Budget Change column if there is a value.

See Also