Permissions Tool

Efficiently manage user access to Company level and Project level tools using permission templates.

  • Create and manage permission templates for Company level and Project level tools.
  • Assign users' default permission templates or reassign users to another permission template.
  • Grant granular permissions on permission templates to allow users to perform specific actions or to view specific information on supported tools.

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The following table highlights which user permissions are required to perform the described user action.

Task None Read Only Standard Admin
Assign Company Permissions Templates in the Permissions Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 1
Assign Default Project Permissions Templates in the Permissions Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2, 3
Create a Company Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Create a Project Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 4
Delete a Company Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Delete a Project Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Duplicate a Project Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Edit a Company Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Edit a Project Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Export Company Permissions Templates       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Export Project Permissions Template Assignments       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Export Project Permissions Templates       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Grant Granular Permissions in a Company Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Grant Granular Permissions in a Project Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Manage Company Permissions Templates       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Manage Project Permissions Templates       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Rename a Company Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Rename a Project Permissions Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Search for and Filter Users in the Permissions Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png

1 Users with the appropriate permissions can assign company permissions templates to users in the Company level Directory tool when creating or editing a user account. See Add a User Account to the Company Directory and Edit a User Account in the Company Directory.

2 Users with the appropriate permissions on the Company level Directory tool can assign a default project permissions template to a user when creating or editing the user's Directory record. See Add a User Account to the Company Directory and Edit a User Account in the Company Directory.

3 Users with the appropriate permissions on the Company level Directory or Project level Directory tools can change a user's project permissions template on a specific project when adding the user to a project or editing the user's Directory records. See Add a User Account to the Project DirectoryEdit a User Account in the Company Directory, and Edit a User Account in the Project Directory.

4 Users with the appropriate permissions can create project specific permission templates in the Project level Directory tool. See Create a Project Specific Permissions Template from the Project Directory.

Below are the notable changes to the company's Permissions tool. 

Recent Changes

change history now available for permission templates (03/18/2024) 

Procore has released the ability to view the change history of Project and Company level permission templates. This change history will show changes that occurred both before release of this feature, as well as future changes. To learn more, see View the Change History of a Permission Template.