Conversations - Release Notes

Recent Changes

Below are the notable changes to the Conversations tool.

Group Creation can support up to 2k members & auto import from project directory (01/21/2025)

The Conversations tool can now support group conversations with up to 2,000 members. Users can now easily create a group with everyone in a project's Directory. When someone is added or removed from the project's Directory, that group in the Conversations tool auto updates to match the Directory's list. These enhancements are available on web and mobile. See Create a Group in the Conversations Tool or instructions for creating groups on  iOS or Android​​​.

export conversations data (12/01/2023)

You can now export Conversations data to audit and archive information locally. Conversations Data Export includes direct messages as well as group and item conversations across all projects. See Export Conversations Data (Beta).

Reply in thread no longer available (11/03/2023)

To increase message visibility, the ability to reply to a message thread in the Conversations tool is no longer available. You will still be able to view and reply to threads that existed before this change. See Reply in a Message Thread for a Conversation (Beta).

Updated Admin settings (10/03/2023)

Admin settings for the Conversations tool have now been updated to streamline the setup process and to create more control over user access to item conversations. To learn more about the new settings, see Procore Conversations: Updated Admin Settings and Configure Settings for the Conversations Tool.

Attach Files and link items from the project (07/17/2023)

You can now attach files from the project's Drawings, Documents, and Forms tool, and link to other items in the project. See Send a Message in the Conversations Tool and What items can be added to a message in the Conversations tool? 

translation now available for messages (07/12/2023)

If Procore detects that a message in the Conversations tool is in a language different from your web browser, you can now click View Translation to automatically translate the message to that language. See View Messages in the Conversations Tool and What languages can be automatically translated in the Conversations tool?

Number of Unread Messages Now Shown in Notification Badge  (06/08/2023)

The notification badge on the Conversations icon in the Procore header now shows the number of unread messages that you have. See How do notifications work for the Conversations tool in Procore?

Distribution Groups Now Supported for Groups and Direct Messages (06/05/2023)

Project distribution groups are now available to select in the Team Members menu when creating or managing groups and sending direct messages. This makes it quicker and easier to add larger groups of people to a conversation. To learn more about distribution groups, see Add a Distribution Group to the Project Directory.

in-App Notifications for the Conversations tool on Web (05/22/2023)

Procore has added new settings for in-app notifications in the Conversations tool on Web. See Manage In-App Notifications for the Conversations Tool and How do notifications work for the Conversations tool in Procore? Notification settings for the Conversations tool on Web can be managed in the My Profile settings in Procore.

New 'Upload Files from Computer' button for sending messages (03/31/2023)

You can now click the plus icon in the message box to access a new 'Upload Files from Computer' button. See How can I attach a file to my message in the Conversations tool? and Send a Message in the Conversations Tool.

Allow Additional Users to Create and Manage Groups (01/24/2023)

A setting has been added to allow additional users to create and manage groups for the Conversations tool. See Configure Settings for the Conversations Tool.

Admins Labeled in Group Lists (01/05/2023)

Admin users in the project now have '(Admin)' next to their name. See Manage a Group in the Conversations Tool. This is helpful to show who can manage the group.

Conversations Tool Now in Open Beta! (11/07/2022)

The Conversations tool is now available as an open beta. See How do I opt in to the beta for Procore Conversations? and Getting Started with Procore Conversations