Search for and Filter Users in Your Free Procore Account

Limited Release
Free Procore accounts are currently only available in the United States and Canada.


To search for and filter users on the Team page of your free Procore account.

Things to Consider


  1. Log in to your free Procore account.
  2. Click the Team page.
  3. See the steps below for the following actions:

Search for Users

  1. Click the search bar.
  2. Enter a search term (name, email address, or phone number).
    Results are automatically shown.
  3. If you want to clear the search, click the x icon.

Filter Users

  1. Click Filters.
  2. Select one or more of the following filters:
    • Status: Mark the checkbox next to Active or Inactive to filter by team members who are active or deactivated in the Team.
    • Role: Click the drop-down menu and select a role to filter by.
    • Permissions: Click the drop-down menu and select a permission level to filter by.
  3. If you want to remove filters:
    • Click the x icon next to the filter to remove it.
    • Click Clear All in the filter side panel to clear all filters.

See Also