Procore Android App - Getting Started


This guide provides recommendations on best practices and tutorials for getting started.

See Android Requirements for current software requirements. 

Download from Google Play™

The Procore Android App should only be installed from the Google Play™ store. Procore does not support issues arising from installations outside of Google Play™.

Configure the Tool Order for a Project

  1. Open the Procore app on an Android mobile device and select a project.
    Note: This loads the Tools icon-toolbox-mobile.png screen with the Project Overview.
  2. Click the filter icon-filter-mobile.png icon.
  3. Tap Grid View or List view depending on how you want tools to appear on the home screen.
  4. Tap the star icon-open-star-mobile.png icon next to each tool that you want quick access to. 
    Note: A tool marked with a star shows at the top of the My Tools section of the Project Overview screen.
  5. Press and hold the reorder icon-reorder-android.png icon next to a tool to drag it into a different order.
  6. Continue reordering tools to your preference.
  7. Optional: If you want to hide the remaining tools so that they do not appear on the home screen, tap the toggle icon-toggle-on-android.png icon to the ON position.
  8. Tap Save Changes.

My Tools section of Project Overview Screen_Android.png

Navigate to a Different Project

  1. Open the Procore app using an Android mobile device.
  2. Tap the top menu to open the Project & Company Selector. Select a project from the search results or use one of these filtering methods:

    • Keywords: Use the Search icon-markup-search.png bar to find a project by address or name. 
    • Change the company: 
      1. Tap Company to see a list of all the companies you can access
      2. Select or clear the checkbox icon-checkbox-marked.png next to each company to choose whether that company's projects show up in your search results on the previous screen.  
      3. Tap Apply to apply the filter.
    • Show active or inactive projects:
      1. Tap Status.
      2. Mark or clear the Active checkbox to show or hide active projects.
      3. Mark or clear the Inactive checkbox to show or hide inactive projects.
      4. Tap Done.
    • Change the sort method
      1. Tap Sort to see your sort options. See Sort Projects (Android).
      2. Select your preference and tap Apply.
    • Clear filters: Tap Clear Filters to remove any filters you set previously. This returns Sort to the default (Recently Viewed projects).

    Project and Company Selector iOS_truncated.png

      Project and Company Selector


View the Project Overview

  1. Open the Procore app on an Android mobile device and select the relevant project.
  2. Tap the Tools icon-toolbox-mobile.png screen.
  3. Under 'Project Overview', tap the Project Information widget.
  4. View the project's details.

Configure App Preferences

  1. Open the Procore app on an Android mobile device. 
  2. Tap your avatar circle to navigate to the Sidebar screen. 
  3. Tap App Preferences icon-settings-gear-grey3.png 
  4. Configure settings according to your preferences. See details about each setting option in the following sections: 

App Preferences on Sidebar screen.png


Set your global Procore app preferences by choosing from the following options:

  • Uploads Queue. Tap Uploads Queue to do any of the following:
    • View any pending or failed uploads and take one of these actions, as desired: 
      • Tap Retry next to a failed upload to retry the upload.
      • Tap Clear to remove an item from the upload queue. 
    • Upload on WiFi Only.  
      • Tap the toggle to the ON icon-toggle-on-ios.png position to only allow photo and attachments to be uploaded while your device is connected to WiFi. 
      • Tap the toggle to the OFF icon-toggle-off-ios.png position to allow your device to upload photos and attachments using cellular data (if available on your device). 
    Save Photos and Videos to Gallery.
    • Tap the toggle to the ON icon-toggle-on-ios.png position if you want photos you take while using the Procore app saved to your device's Gallery.
    • Tap the toggle to the OFF icon-toggle-off-ios.png position if you do not want photos saved to your device.

Dark Mode

Choose a Light or Dark appearance for your Procore app.

  1. Under 'Dark Mode', tap Preferred Appearance.
  2. Tap one of the following options:
    • System: The Procore app automatically applies Light or Dark mode based on the system settings currently selected on your device.
    • Light: The Procore app has a light appearance.
    • Dark: The Procore app has a dark appearance.

These settings have new locations or methods:

  • My Time Clock is now located in Project Settings. This setting reminds you to clock in or out of any project when you leave its geofence. 
  • Tap to Sync Permissions is no longer a setting. To apply changes you made to user permissions in the project, for example, you can swipe down in the 'My Tools' section of your Project Overview screen to refresh the data. 

Manage Project Settings

  1. Open the Procore app on an Android mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the project you want to manage. See Navigate to a Different Project (Android).
  3. Tap the Settings icon-settings-gear-grey3.png icon. 
  4. Choose from the following actions:

Project Settings icon_Android.png


If you notice that the Procore mobile application is taking up too much storage on your device, follow these steps to remove the saved (cached) data from your device. Procore does not support SD card data storage.

Note: Clearing cached data does not remove the items from Procore, it only clears them from your device's memory. 

  1. Tap Manage Storage to see an overview of the project's current data usage in your Procore app.
  2. To remove your data by tool, tap Delete icon-delete-trash-android.png next to that tool. This only deletes the tool data for the project you are currently viewing. 
  3. To clear all cached Procore data for that project from your device, tap Clear All Local Data.

Storage in Project Settings_Android.png

For more information, see How do I manage the storage the Procore mobile app is using on my device?


  1. Tap the toggle to the ON icon-toggle-on-ios.png position next to each item you want to receive a push notification for. Each option is described in All Projects and Current Project sections below.
  2. To exit out of Project Settings, tap the x icon.
  3. After you enabled push notifications for one or more feature, you receive alerts in your Android device's notification center.

All Projects

  • My Time Clock: Enable this option to receive reminders to clock in or out of any project when you enter or leave the project's geofence. See Clock Your Time (Android).

Current Project

Changing the settings in this section only affects the project you are currently managing. 

  • Announcement Received: Enable this option to receive push notifications when you have received a message through the Announcements tool.
  • Correspondence: Tap  to choose which correspondence type(s) that you want to receive push notifications for. See Who receives correspondence item emails and push notifications?
  • Drawing Revision Published: Enable this option to receive push notifications when new drawings are published.
    Note: To receive push notifications for Drawings Revisions, you must be subscribed to the Drawings log. See Subscribe to the Drawings Log.
  • Share Within Procore: Enable this option to receive a push notification when a drawing is shared with you. 

Update the Procore Android App


To update the Procore Android app from the Google Play™ Store.


Like all apps on your mobile device, the Procore Android app will update automatically if you have configured this setting in your device's Network Preferences. However, if you have chosen to manually update your apps, or if you would like to see if there has been an update released to the Procore Android app, follow the directions below.

To view the Procore app version you're using, open the Procore app, and look at the bottom of your Sidebar screen. To get to your Sidebar screen, tap your avatar circle next to the menuicon-hamburger-menu-mobile.pngView the latest version of the Procore app on the Google Play™ Store icon-external-link.png


  1. On your Android mobile device, open the Google Play™ Store.
  2. Tap your profile icon.
  3. Tap Manage apps & device.
  4. Tap Overview.
  5. Tap Updates available.
  6. Tap Update next to the Procore app.
    Note: The Procore app will only be included on this page if there is an update available.
