Schedule: Updates to Company level Schedule

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
Feature Released: July 10, 2023 / Updated: September 6, 2023

New Views and Temporary Changes

Procore has made short-term change to the Company-level Schedule tool that provides an updated experience, while temporarily limiting functionality on the List and Calendar views. We are making foundational changes to the Schedule tool to support future investments and improve the overall performance. In order to do that work, some current functionality is temporarily unavailable.


List View Changes


  • Users can see a list of all projects they have access to. Columns show the count of Schedule Tasks and Calendar Items within the Project.
  • You can click the Project Name and be directed to the Project level Schedule where you can see additional details.

We expect a new List view to be available over the next few months.

Calendar View Changes


  • The Calendar view has a new look and feel consistent with the recent Modernized Project Level Calendar View
  • By default, all project calendars are visible along with how many tasks are scheduled each day.
  • Filter project schedules by project, stage, type, and more.

See Also

If you would like to ask questions or share any feedback, please contact