RFIs: Modernized RFIs Experience

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
Feature Released: June 22, 2023



Modernized Design and Performance Upgrades for RFIs Tool

Procore has released several design and performance updates to the RFIs tool. These updates provide users with a more consistent and optimized experience when creating and viewing RFIs in Procore. Preview these updates below.


Visual Updates to Create and Edit Pages

Before rfi-create-old.png
After rfis-mod-create.png

Updates to Related Items Tab

Viewing and Adding New Related Items

Before rfi-ri-old.png
After rfis-mod-add-ri.png

Updates to Emails Tab

Composing New Emails

Before rfi-email-compose-old.png
After rfis-mod-email-compose.png

Viewing Existing Emails

Before rfi-email-view-old.png
After rfis-mod-view-existing-email.png


If you would like to ask questions or share any feedback, please contact support@procore.com.