Change Events: New Change Events Line Items View (Beta)


This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
Beta Announced: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 | Beta Release Started: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 | Beta Release Completed: Thursday, March 31, 2022Feature Released: Coming Soon!

Change Events: New Change Events Line Items View

Procore has completed the beta release of a new line items view for change events. The updated list view provides users with a modernized interface and optimizations to improve your ability to organize and manage change events more efficiently. This experience was made available to companies using Procore's Financials tools, including companies that are using one of Procore's integrated ERP systems.


For this release, the updates include:

Classic Detail Replaces the original Change Events 'Detail' tab. This view shows columns related to individual change event line item details (line description, vendor, contract, Unit of Measure)
Classic Summary Replaces the original Change Events 'Summary' tab. This view   shows columns with change event summary information (status, title, scope, type, reason, origin)
Complete View This view allows you to see all change event information displayed together
Owners View This view should be used by Owner customers and removes revenue columns from the list
Scope View This view is automatically grouped by scope and sorted to help users easily identify where Prime Contract Change Orders are missing for out of scope change - flagging potential exposure
Temporary View Making modifications to the predefined views will switch you to the temporary view automatically
The temporary view only appears once an edit has been made within one of the predefined views. The temporary view always displays the most recent edit you have made and is unique to each individual user and project

How do I opt-in and out of the New experience?

Users will have the option of switching between the legacy and new versions of the Change Events tool.

  • To opt-in to the new experience: After navigating to the Project level Change Events tool click Enable Change Events Beta at the top of the page.      
  • To return to the legacy experience: Navigate to the Change Events tool. Next, click Exit Beta in the right sidebar.


where can I go to learn more?

To learn more about the modernized change events line items view, please read View the Change Events Line Items View.

See Also

If you would like to ask questions or share any feedback, please contact