Add a CMiC Vendor to Procore's Company Directory


To add a CMiC vendor as a new company in your Procore account's Company level Directory.


If you cannot link a CMiC vendor to an existing company in your Procore directory, but you plan to use that CMiC vendor in future construction jobs managed in Procore, you can create a new company entry for that vendor in your Procore account's Company level directory.

To learn more about the recommended way of consolidating your CMiC vendors with your Procore Company level directory, see Consolidate and Link Vendors/Companies.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the company's ERP Integrations tool. 
    This reveals the CMiC  Integration page. 
  2. Click the Vendors tab. 
  3. In the Filters menu, make sure the Ready to Import link is selected.
    This reveals the Vendors Only in CMiC page. 
  4. Choose from these options:
    • If you want to add the vendor from CMiC into Procore's' Company Directory as a new company/vendor record, click Add to Procore. Then continue with the next step. 
    • If you want to link the vendor record in CMiC to a company that already exists in Procore, see Link a CMiC Vendor to a Procore Company
  5. Repeat the above step for each vendor in the list. 

See Also