View a Transmittal


To view a transmittal using the project's Transmittals tool. 

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the project's Transmittals tool. 


    Each row in the table represents a transmittal and the columns reveal the following information:
    • (#) Number: Shows the transmittal number. 

    • Subject: A descriptive subject for the transmittal.

    • Created Date: The date the transmittal was first created in the system. 

    • Email Sent Date: The date the transmittal was sent to the recipients (i.e., the people and distribution groups designated in the 'To' and 'Cc' fields). 

    • To: A list of people, including distribution groups, from the project's Directory. The transmittal is assigned to the listed individual(s).

    • CC: A list of people, including distribution groups, from the project's Directory.

    • Action As Noted: A list of any actions noted on the transmittal.

    • Submitted For:  A list of the reason(s) the transmittal is being submitted for.

    • Sent Via: Shows how the transmittal was sent.

  2. Locate the desired transmittal in the list. Then click View.
    This opens the selected transmittal in view mode. 

See Also