Remove a Submitter or Approver from the Submittal Workflow


To remove a submitter or reviewer from the submittal workflow.


Should you decide that you want to remove a submitter or approver from a submittal workflow while the approval process for a submittal is in progress, you can do so only if you have been granted the appropriate permission to the Submittals tool. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Submittals tool. 
    The Submittals page appears. 
  2. Locate the desired submittal in the Items view.
  3. Click Edit
    This opens the submittal in edit mode. 
  4. Scroll down to the Submittal Workflow area. 
  5. Choose from these options:
    1. To delete a workflow group
      1. Locate the desired row.
      2. Click the 'X' in the far right column for that row.


        The system removes the group from the submittal workflow
    2. To delete a person from a workflow group
      1. Locate the desired person in the list.
      2. Click the 'x' next to that person's name.
        Note: If the 'x' is not available next to a user name, that user has already submitted a response and cannot be deleted from the submittal workflow. 


        The system removes the person from the Submittal Workflow and completes the following actions:
        • Automatically flags the next person or group in the approval sequence as having the 'Ball In Court' responsibility.
        • Sends an 'Action Required' email message to notify the 'Ball In Court' person (or people) that the submittal is awaiting their approval. 
        • Logs the change to the approval sequence in the submittal's Change History tab. 

See Also