Open Items from the Project Overview in the Project's Home Page

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To view open items in the Project Overview section of the Project Home page. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Home page.
  2. Under Project Overview, choose one of these options:
    • View Items By Tool To view the open items for the listed tools, click one of the links in the Overview column in the Project Overview section. This action reveals a pop-up window that shows a summary about the open items for the selected tool. You can click one of the Subject links in the pop-up window to open the item in the corresponding tool. 

      1. View Items By Status  To view items by status, click the bar chart for the desired status in the Project Overview section. This action reveals a pop-up window that shows a summary of the open items for the selected tool. You can click one of the Subject links to open the item in the corresponding tool. 

See Also