View Emails


To view email messages in the project's Emails tool. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Emails tool. 
  2. There are five different tabs that emails are categorized into: Inbox, Archive, All, Spam, and Recycle Bin.
    Click one of the tabs to view a category of emails.
    • Inbox: View a list of incoming and outgoing messages.
    • Archive: View any emails that have been archived.
    • All: View all emails (i.e. incoming, outgoing, archived, and emails in the Recycle Bin).
    • Spam: View any emails that have been marked as spam. See Mark an Email as Spam.
    • Recycle Bin: View any emails that were sent to the Recycle Bin using the 'Delete' button. This does not include emails that were permanently deleted using the 'Delete Forever' button. 
      • All public and private emails associated with the project will be listed in the left pane.
      • Private emails are identified by a lock icon-private-lock-email.png icon. 

See Also