Change a Drawing Version's Number


To change a drawing version's number to an existing drawing's number.


There might be a situation where a drawing version was assigned the incorrect number during the upload review process, and you may want to change the version's drawing number to an existing drawing's number.

When you change a drawing number of a single version, you re-associate the version with an existing drawing in your project. The version that you've re-associated will no longer appear in the original drawing's Versions section, and will instead be associated with the new drawing that you've selected.

Things to Consider​


  1. Navigate to your project's Drawings tool.
  2. Click Info next to the drawing you want to change the drawing version number for.
    Note: Drawings that have one or more versions have the number of each version in the 'Revision No.' column.
  3. In the 'Versions' section, click the vertical ellipsis (⋮).

  4. Click Change drawing number.
    Note: The Change Drawing Number modal will appear.
  5. Fill out the following fields:
    • Drawing No.: Select from the drop-down menu the drawing number that you want to associate with this version.
      Note: To quickly find a drawing in the menu, begin typing the number or title of the drawing in the search bar.
    • Versions:
      In this section, you will see all of the versions of the drawing you selected. 
      • If necessary, reorder the versions by dragging and dropping the version you're re-associating to the correct place.
      • Revision No.: If necessary, enter a new revision number.
        Note: You will need to edit the revision number if the revision number has already been taken by an existing version of the selected drawing.
  6. Click Ok.
    Note: You will see a confirmation modal when the version has been successfully moved to the new drawing number.
  7. Click Done.
    Note: You will be redirected to the Info page of the selected drawing.

See Also