Search for and Filter the Daily Log


To search and filter the daily log.

Things to Consider



Search the Daily Log

  1. Navigate to the project's Daily Log tool.
  2. Enter a word or phrase in the Search bar.
    Note: Data in the following fields of log entries is searchable:
      Daily Construction Report, Delays, Dumpster, Equipment, ManpowerNotes, Phone CallsProductivity, Scheduled Work, and Visitors: Comments
    • Accidents: Party Involved, Company Involved, Comments
    • Deliveries: Delivery From, Tracking Number, Contents, Comments
    • Inspections: Inspection Type, Inspecting Entity, Inspector Name, Area, Comments
    • Plan Revisions: Plan, Revision, Title, Category, Comments
    • Quantities: Units, Comments
    • Safety Violations: Subject, Safety Notice, Issued To, Comments
    • Waste: Material, Method of Disposal, Disposal Location, Comments
  3. Click the Search icon or press ENTER on your keyboard to initiate the search.

Filter the Daily Log

  1. Navigate to the project's Daily Log tool.
  2. Click the Add Filter drop-down menu.
  3. Click one of the following filters:
    • Created By
    • Company
    • Location
    • Log Type
  4. Mark the checkbox(es) next to the selections you want to filter by.
  5. To add an additional filter, click Add Filter again and mark your selections.
  6. Optional: To reset the applied filter, click Clear All.

See Also