Edit Bidders on the Bid Invitation
To edit bidders on the bid invitations by removing or adding a different person from the company to receive bid invitations.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project’s Bidding tool.
- Additional Information:
- You cannot remove a whole company from the bid list if there are bidders associated with the company in the Recipient List.
- You can remove individuals from a company by replacing them with different users.
- Navigate to the project's Bidding tool.
- Locate the bid package that you want to modify.
- Click View.
- Click Reinvite next to the company you want to remove a bidder from.
- Click the X next to the user you no longer want invited to bid.
- Select the person you want to instead receive the bid invitation from the drop-down list.
- Click Resend Invitations.