View Closed Assignment Alerts for Workforce Planning


To view closed assignment alerts for workforce assignments in Workforce Planning.


Workforce assignments allow you to manage your workforce by assigning resources to projects. You can create assignment alerts to share key assignment information with assignees. See What is an assignment alert in Workforce Planning? When there is no longer an action required for an assignment alert, you can close it.

This tutorial shows you how to view closed assignment alerts.

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
  2. Click Communications and select Alerts.
  3. Select Closed from the drop-down menu.
  4. Optional: To search for an assignment alert, enter the person's name who is receiving the alert in the Search Recipients box. Then click the magnifying glass icon or press the ENTER/RETURN key to initiate your search.
  5. Optional: To filter assignment alerts, click the filter icon-filter-wfp.png icon. Select your filters, then click Apply.
    • Has Reply Option(s). Select the reply option for which you want to see assignment alerts.
    • Reply Counts. Select to see assignment alerts where All Recipients Replied, that were Only Partially Replied To, or Received No Replies.
    • For Projects. Select the project from the drop-down list to see assignment alerts sent for that project.
      Note: To clear filters, click the filter icon-filter-wfp.png icon. Then select Clear All.
  6. Optional: To sort the list of assignment requests, click Sort By and select Sent At - Newest, Sent At - Oldest, or Most Recent Reply.
  7. View a list of closed assignment alerts including the:
    • Assignee's Name. The assignee's first and last name.
    • Project Name. The project's name.
    • Assignment Start Date. The assignment's start date.
    • Assignment End Date. The assignment's end date.
    • Sender. The person who sent the assignment alert.
    • Date Sent. The date the assignment alert was sent.
    • Response. The response from the assignee.
      Note: Assignees can only respond to Default Assignment Alerts if response settings have been configured.
  8. Locate the assignment alert for which you want to view the alert details. Then click View.
  9. Review the information that was sent to the recipient. Then click Close.

See Also