Show Portfolio Projects in Map View


To view the projects in your company's Portfolio tool in the map view. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the company's Portfolio tool.
    The Portfolio page appears. 
  2. Under the Projects view (see Switch Between Portfolio Views), click the Map icon.

    The table below describes each icon in the Projects view Portfolio tool. 

    Icon… When ORANGE, means this view is active…
    icon-portfolio-list-view.png List View
    icon-portfolio-thumbnail-view.png Thumbnail View
    icon-portfolio-overview-view.png Overview View
    icon-portfolio-map-view.png Map View

    This reveals a map showing your company's projects.
    • The map controls are powered by Google Maps.
    • ORANGE pins represent office locations.
    • GRAY pins represent project locations.
  3. If you want to switch pins ON or OFF, add or remove the check mark from the Office Location and Project Location boxes. 

See Also