Add or Remove Payments Admins as a Payor

 General Availability in Select Markets (United States)
flag-us.png Procore Pay icon-external-link.png  is available in the United States. It is designed for General Contractors and Owner-Builders who act as their own General Contractors on a job. Procore Pay extends the Invoice Management icon-external-link.png functionality in the Procore web application to handle the payment process between general and specialty contractors.


To request to add or remove a Payments Admin for the Company level Payments tool. 


Only authorized members of the Payments Operations team at Procore can add Payments Admins to a payor's company account. An authorized signer for your company must submit a 'Procore Pay Authorized Administrator Form.' Since Payments Admins handle sensitive financial data, Procore recommends assigning at least two (2) employees to this role. 

Things to Consider


This workflow shows the steps for adding Payment Admins to the payor environment.




Submit a Request to Procore

If you are implementing Procore Pay as a payor, your team attends an alignment call and discusses the requirements to add Payment Admins. If Procore Pay is already live, the authorized signer on your company's transaction banking agreement must send a request to your Procore point of contact or Contact Support.

When contacting support:

  • Please don't include sensitive financial information, such as routing or bank account numbers. 
  • Please include your name, company name, and inquiry. 

Complete the Procore Pay Authorized Administrator Form

Upon receipt of a request, an authorized Procore Payments Operations team member provides you with the required Procore Pay Authorized Administrator Form. An authorized signer must complete and sign it. This is usually the owner of your company or an executive to whom the owner has granted signature authority. Once signed, return to the form to Procore Payment Operations.

Add or Remove Payments Admins in the Payor Environment

An authorized Procore Payments Operations team member adds your designated Payments Admin(s) to Procore Pay for you.

Next Steps

See Also