How do payments made in Procore Pay sync with an integrated ERP system?

 General Availability in Select Markets (United States)
flag-us.png Procore Pay icon-external-link.png  is available in the United States. It is designed for General Contractors and Owner-Builders who act as their own General Contractors on a job. Procore Pay extends the Invoice Management icon-external-link.png functionality in the Procore web application to handle the payment process between general and specialty contractors.


ERP connectors sync records of payments made through Procore Pay automatically, if payment record syncing is enabled. The precise fields where payment records from Procore appear in your ERP system vary depending on the integration you're using. However, the synchronization process, limitations, and troubleshooting steps described below are the same for all Procore-built ERP connectors.

If you're not sure if your integrated ERP system is configured to sync payment records from Procore Pay, contact your company's internal accounting approver


Payments made through Procore Pay sync with your integrated ERP system automatically, if configured to do so. The synchronization process begins immediately when a disbursement status changes to 'Funding Complete'. It can take up to 10 minutes for the payment record to appear in your ERP system.


Be sure to sync invoices to your ERP system before initiating a payment toward that invoice. Payment records for payments initiated prior to syncing the related invoice to your ERP system will not export successfully.

What if a payment record fails to export?

If the status of a disbursement is 'Funding Complete' in the Payments tool, but no record of the payment appears in your ERP system after 10 minutes, check the 'Failed to Export' filter in the Company level ERP Integrations tool. Payment records might fail to sync for several reasons, including but not limited to:

When a payment record fails to sync, the check number and Bank ID fields become editable. Make any necessary changes and click 'Export'.


To avoid synchronization errors caused by check numbers that are already in use in your ERP system, edit the related funding account and update the 'Next Check Number' field with a number high enough to prevent duplication.

For example, if the most recent check number in use in your ERP system is 100, start your Procore Pay check numbering sequence at 10000 to prevent duplicate check numbers for the next 9900 checks issued.

If you are unable to successfully export the payment record after correcting any errors in the 'Check Number' or 'Bank ID' fields, contact ERP support for assistance.

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