Things to Know about the Project Financials + Yardi Voyager® Connector


Each of Procore's available ERP connectors perform the basic function of syncing data between the ERP system and Procore, usually in the same way as other connectors. However, each connector has a unique set of items it can sync, and the way those items are synced will vary based on how that ERP system and its corresponding integration are built to function. 

Yardi Voyager®, like all ERP integrations, has some key considerations, limitations, and things to know about how each Procore object is synced. Those considerations, limitations, and things to know are outlined in the table below according to tool or item being synced.

Things to know about the Yardi Voyager® Connector

Procore Item or Setting

Considerations, Limitations, and Requirements

configuration settings & sync schedule

  • Sync Schedule for the following ERP tabs runs daily 5am EST: Cost Codes, Vendors, Jobs

Cost Codes/Cost Types

Add Cost Codes to import to Procore

  • Required User Permission:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Admin tool
  • Prerequisites:
    • The ERP Integrations tool must be enabled on your company's Procore account.
    • The project must be configured to use the Yardi Voyager® Standard Cost Code list.
  • Supported Cost Code Delimiters:
    •  If your company has enabled the ERP Integrations tool for Yardi Voyager®, Procore permits the following cost code delimiters from Yardi Voyager®:  hyphen/dash (-).



  • Projects that are in-progress or created before connection of the integration cannot be synced. Professional Services for assistance with integrating in-progress/pre-existing project records are available for an additional fee.

Add a Yardi Voyager® job to Procore 

  • Limitations:
    • If your company account has a project limit, a banner will appear at the top of the page to notify you when your project limit has been reached. 
    • Job name/ID has a max character limit of 16

Export a project from Procore

  • Limitations:
    • You must create your project in Procore before you can link the Yardi Voyager® job.
    • You must create your job in Yardi Voyager® before you can link the Procore project.
    • Procore project number must match Yardi Voyager® job code.
    • Procore WBS cost code/cost type list must match Yardi Voyager® cost code/cost types.

Enable ERP Job Cost Transaction Syncing - Additional Information:

  • If you choose to import a job from Yardi Voyager® in order to create a new Procore project, you can select the project template that you want to apply to your new project in the 'Integration Settings' page for the ERP Integrations tool. 
  • It is recommended that you always perform the import before creating any commitments (i.e., subcontracts or purchase orders) in Yardi Voyager®. Any commitments created in Yardi Voyager® cannot be integrated. 

Sync Job Cost Transactions - Additional Information

  • Requirements:
    The steps for enabling this feature are as follows:
    • Your Procore Administrator (or a user with 'Admin' permission on the project's Admin tool) must enable the job cost transactions syncing capability. 
    • Your Procore Administrator must update your project's budget view(s) to complete these steps:
      1. If you have previously added the ERP Direct Costs Column to a Procore Budget View, you will need to remove both the existing 'ERP Direct Costs' calculated column and the 'ERP Job to Date Costs' source column. 
      2. After removing these columns, you will need to add the recommended columns for job cost transaction syncing to your budget view(s). For instructions, see Add the Columns for Job Cost Transaction Syncing to a Budget View for ERP Integrations.



Adding a Yardi Voyager® Vendor to the Procore Directory

  • Prerequisites:
    • Important! Before adding a vendor from Yardi Voyager® to Procore, always check to make sure that a matching vendor record does NOT already exist in Procore. If you do not perform this check, you might end up with duplicate or unlinked vendor/company entries. 
  • Additional Information:
    • New company entries automatically inherit the appropriate Yardi Voyager® Vendor ID.
  • Limitations:
    • Vendor ID has a max character limit of 12

Archiving a Vendor in Procore - Additional Information

  • Additional Information:
    • You can only archive a vendor that is not linked to a company in Procore. Linked must be un-linked through the Companies tab in the Company Level ERP Integrations tool before they can be archived.
    • If a vendor is marked as 'Inactive' in Yardi Voyager®, you can view it by clicking the 'Archived' link in the Filters menu on the right of the Vendors subtab.


Yardi Voyager® supports the sync of subcontracts and purchase orders. You must contact your Integration Implementation Specialist or ERP support before beginning to sync purchase orders so that the appropriate configurations can be enabled.

Exporting a Commitment to Yardi Voyager®

  • Prerequisites:
    • Configure the ERP Integrations tool for Yardi Voyager®. 
    • The Commitments tool must be an active tab on the project. 
  • Limitations:
    • To sync a commitment, all a Schedule of Values (SOV) line items must be tied to a cost codes and categories from your ERP-synced lists of Standard Cost Codes and Cost Types.
    • Commitments synced to Yardi Voyager® will NOT contain details regarding tax codes. 
    • Contract ID has a max character limit of 16
    • Contract Description has a max character limit of 30
    • The Contract ID for Purchase Orders must be shorter than 8 characters


commitment change orders (cco)

Yardi Voyager® supports the sync of CCOs for subcontracts and purchase orders.

Accept or Reject a CCO for Export to Yardi Voyager®

  • Prerequisites:
    • The company account must be integrated with Yardi Voyager®. 
    • The Change Orders and Commitments tool must be an active tab on the project. 

Export a CCO to Yardi Voyager®

  • Limitations:
    • To add a Schedule of Values (SOV) line item to a CCO, it must be tied to an existing cost code and category.
    • If a line item on a CCO creates a new line item on the original contract, that new line item will not be reflected on the Yardi Voyager® contract. However, the CCO's line item will still be sent to Yardi Voyager®.
    • Change Order ID has a max character limit of 16
    • Change Order Description has a max character limit of 30

commitment invoices

Yardi Voyager® supports the sync of subcontractor invoices. Purchase order invoices are not supported at this time.

Export Subcontractor Invoices from Procore to Yardi Voyager®

  • Limitations:
    • Invoices whose total amount equals zero dollars cannot be sent to Yardi Voyager®. These invoices will not be synced when exported. 
    • Materials Presently Stored and Materials Retainage are not supported with the Yardi Voyager® integration. These values will be ignored when sending invoices to Yardi Voyager®. 
    • Yardi Voyager® cannot accept images alongside invoices sent from Procore. Instead, Procore will send a link to the invoice within Procore, so that Yardi Voyager® users can view all related documentation. This will require that those Yardi Voyager® users have the correct permissions in Procore.

direct costs/Payments Issued

Import Direct Costs and Invoice Payments across all projects from Yardi Voyager® to Procore

  • Requirements:
    The steps for enabling this feature are as follows:
    • Your Procore Administrator (or a user with 'Admin' permission on the project's Admin tool) must enable the job cost transactions syncing capability. 
    • Your Procore Administrator must update your project's budget view(s) to complete these steps:
      1. If you have previously added the ERP Direct Costs Column to a Procore Budget View, you will need to remove both the existing 'ERP Direct Costs' calculated column and the 'ERP Job to Date Costs' source column. 
      2. After removing these columns, you will need to add the recommended columns for job cost transaction syncing to your budget view(s). For instructions, see Add the Columns for Job Cost Transaction Syncing to a Budget View for ERP Integrations.
  • Add a 'Direct Costs' source column to your Procore project's budget view
    Provides authorized users with the ability to add a 'Direct Costs' column to your project's budget view. 
  • Configure which direct costs appear in a given budget view column
    Provides authorized users with the ability to configure which direct costs appear in each column with a 'Direct Costs' source. For the integration with Yardi Voyager®, direct costs of the following types are available to configure: 
    • Subcontractor Invoices: These direct costs come from Yardi Voyager® Payables with an associated commitment.
    • Invoices: These direct costs come from Yardi Voyager® Payables without an associated commitment.
    • Expenses: These direct costs come from Yardi Voyager® Journal Entries.
  • Track Yardi Voyager® direct costs in a Procore budget
    Once the 'Direct Costs' column has been added to a budget view, project users with access permissions to the budget can view the lump-sum totals from the Yardi Voyager® job cost transactions as a direct cost value on a budget line item. The value in this column shows your project's 'Direct Costs' total for all items in the 'Pending', 'Revise and Resubmit', and 'Approved' status. 
    Note: An accounting approver can sync the job cost transaction details from Yardi Voyager® on the Job Costs tab of the Company Level ERP Integrations tool.
  • View direct cost transaction detail on a budget line item
    Project users with the 'View Direct Cost Details' granular permission enabled on their permission template can click the link in the Direct Costs column of a budget line item to open the direct cost's details. This granular permission is located in the 'Budget' section when configuring a permission template.


See Also