Viewpoint® Vista™ Detailed Data Mapping



Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™  Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™  to Procore Viewpoint® Vista™
PROJECTS erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png JC JOBS
COMPANIES erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png AP VENDORS
  erp-green-arrows.png JC PHASE MASTER
erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png JOB PHASES
BUDGETS  erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png JC ORIGINAL ESTIMATES
  erp-green-arrows.png JOB TO DATE COSTS
  erp-green-arrows.png JTD COST DETAIL
PRIME CONTRACT   erp-green-arrows.png JC CONTRACTS


SUBCONTRACT INVOICE PAYMENTS 4 erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png PAYMENTS

1 Project level cost codes must be added to the project from the Company level ERP Standard Cost Code List. New cost codes must be created in your ERP system, and cannot be created in Procore. Custom WBS Segments are NOT supported.  
2 Budget modifications sync with estimate changes in Viewpoint® Vista™.
3 Exports the 'Estimated Cost at Completion' values from a Procore budget to Viewpoint® Vista™.
4 Export of payment records from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ is only available in the US to customers who license Procore Pay at this time. Import of payment records from Viewpoint® Vista™ is available for customers in supported regoins outside of the US.


When a project is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™, Ryvit takes the data and inserts into the various Forms (SQL tables) within the Viewpoint® Vista™ database.  The data that is inserted for projects, populates to the JC Job Master (JCJM) and JC Job Phases (JCJP) forms. 

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™  Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™  to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
Vista Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Job ID1
Project Name erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Description
Active Project erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Status
Job Phone erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Mailing Phone
Address erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Mailing Address
City erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Mailing City
State erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Mailing State
ZIP erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Mailing Zip
Cost Code
erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Cost Code2

Cost Type

erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png

Cost Type

1  Export Note: The Viewpoint Job ID is entered manually by an accounting approver when a project is exported from Procore to Vista. This may, or may not, depending on what the accounting approver has entered, match the Job Number found in Procore under Project > Admin. This is stored  as the Viewpoint Job ID (you can view it under Company > ERP Integrations > Jobs > Synced) and is then used on other project related exports (Budgets, Commitments, Commitment CO’s, etc)

2 Both Standard and Project specific cost codes (which can be created in Viewpoint® Vista™ manually under JC Job Phases) are synced up to the Project Cost Code list in Procore. Project specific codes are displayed in blue.


When a Vendor is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™, a new AP Vendor Master record in the Accounts Payable module in Viewpoint® Vista™.   The vendor setup can be found in AP Vendor Master Form.

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore

Viewpoint® Vista™

ERP Vendor ID1

erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png


Company Name erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Name
Address erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Payment Address: Address
City erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Payment Address: City
State erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Payment Address: State
ZIP erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Payment Address: Zip
Country erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Payment Address: Country

1 Export note: The ERP Vendor ID is entered manually by an accounting approver when a company is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™. This is stored as the ERP Vendor ID (you can view it under Company > ERP Integrations > Vendors > Synced, or under Company > Directory) and is then used on other vendor related exports (Commitments, Commitment CO’s).


Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™  to Procore

Viewpoint® Vista™

Original Budget erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png JC Original Estimate
Vista Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Job ID
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Phase
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Cost Type

Budget Modifications

A Budget Modification will create a JC Change Order in Viewpoint® Vista™.

 Phased Release: Budget Changes

Some ERP integrated clients may have already transitioned from Budget Modifications (Legacy) to the new Budget Changes experience. The legacy experience will continue to be available until November 2024. To learn more about the timeline for migration, see Common Questions.

Choosing to use the new Budget Changes experience will not impact the function of your ERP integration. You should still thoroughly review the available documentation before migrating to the new experience. We recommend you also discuss any concerns or questions about migrating your Budget Modifications to Budget Changes with your Procore point of contact. 

To learn more about the new Budget Changes experience, see About Budget Changes.

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™  Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
Vista Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job ID
Budget Modification Description (in export screen) erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
From/To1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase/CostType
Transfer Amount erp-orange-arrows.png   Est Cost

1 Typically Budget Modifications are used to move money from one budget line item to another, usually with a zero sum effect.


A Forecasting export will create a JC Cost Projection in Viewpoint® Vista™.

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™  Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
Vista Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job ID
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Type
Estimated Cost at Completion erp-orange-arrows.png   Projected Cost (ProjFinalCost)


*You can also manually add a Batch Date within the Procore export screen which will export to the Batch Month in Vista for this transaction. 


When a Commitment is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™, Ryvit takes the data and inputs into the various Forms (Tables) within SQL.  The data that is inserted for Commitments, populates to the SL Subcontract Entry (SLHD & SLIT) or PO Purchase Order Entry (POHD & POIT) forms. 

If the Customer does not have the Purchase Order Module within Viewpoint® Vista™, all Commitments within Procore will be exported into the Subcontract Ledger module within Viewpoint® Vista™.  

The Viewpoint® Vista™ Commitment ID can be defaults from Procore Commitment, or manually by an accounting approver when a commitment is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™. This is stored as the Vista ID (you can view it under Company > ERP Integrations > Commitments > Synced) and is then used on other commitment related exports (Commitment CO’s).

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
SL Subcontract Entry1
Commitment Header     SL Entry Header
# erp-orange-arrows.png   Subcontract #
Title erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Contract Company2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Vendor
Status erp-orange-arrows.png   Status
Commitment Item     SL Entry Item
# erp-orange-arrows.png   Item
Description erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase Description
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Type
Qty3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Qty
Units3 erp-orange-arrows.png  



Unit Cost3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Unit Cost
Line Contract Amount4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
Grand Total erp-orange-arrows.png   Total Costs
Batch Date erp-orange-arrows.png   Batch Month
PO Purchase Order Entry1
Commitment Header     PO Entry Header
# erp-orange-arrows.png   Purchase Order #
Title erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Contract Company2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Vendor
Status erp-orange-arrows.png   Status
Default Retainage erp-orange-arrows.png   Work Completed Retainage
Commitment Item     PO Entry Item
# erp-orange-arrows.png   Item
Description erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase Description
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Type
Qty3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Original Units
Units3 erp-orange-arrows.png  



Unit Cost3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Original Unit Cost
Subtotal4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
Grand Total erp-orange-arrows.png   Total Costs
Batch Date erp-orange-arrows.png   Batch Month

1 When a Commitment is created in Procore you must select a type, Purchase Order or Subcontract. This is used as the commitment type for Viewpoint® Vista™.

2 The ERP Vendor ID associated with the Contract Company is used on the import file for Viewpoint® Vista™. You cannot export a commitment for a Contract Company that does not have an ERP Vendor ID.

3 Typically Units, Unit Cost and Unit Descriptions are only used on Purchase Orders.

4 The field is titled Contract Amount when working in a Subcontract, and it is titled Subtotal when working in a Purchase Order.

Commitment Change Orders

When a Commitment Change Order is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™, Ryvit takes the data and inputs into the various Forms (Tables) within SQL.  The data that is inserted for Commitments Change Crders, populates to the SL Subcontract Entry (SLCD) or PO Purchase Order Entry (POCD) forms.

If the Customer does not have the Purchase Order Module within Viewpoint® Vista™, all commitment change orders within Procore will be exported into the Subcontract Ledger module within Viewpoint® Vista™.

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
SL Change Order Entry
Change Orders     SL Change Order
Change Order #1 erp-orange-arrows.png   SL Change Order1
Contract # erp-orange-arrows.png   SL
Contract Company2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Vendor
# erp-orange-arrows.png   Item
Description erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Date Created erp-orange-arrows.png   Date
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Type
Qty3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Qty
Units3 erp-orange-arrows.png  



Unit Cost3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Unit Cost
Amount erp-orange-arrows.png   Total
PO Change Order Entry
Change Orders     PO Change Order
#1 erp-orange-arrows.png   PO CO #1
Contract # erp-orange-arrows.png   Purchase Order
Contract Company2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Vendor
# erp-orange-arrows.png   Item
Description erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Type
Qty3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Qty




Unit Cost3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Unit Cost
Subtotal erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
Grand Total erp-orange-arrows.png   Total Costs
Batch Date erp-orange-arrows.png   Batch Month

1In Viewpoint® Vista™ this populates to the Next Sub CO # (has to be completed in order).

2Typically Units, Unit Cost and Unit Descriptions are only used on Purchase Orders.

3The field is titled Contract Amount when working in a Subcontract, and it is titled Subtotal when working in a Purchase Order.

4Only when a New line item is selected when entering the SOV on the CCO.

Job Cost Transaction Details

If this feature is enabled, all posted cost transaction details are imported into the Direct Cost tool for each project. This provides transaction detail for the costs displayed in Procore, and if the budget view is configured properly the values of those transactions can be viewed into the Direct Costs or JTD Cost columns for a budget line item.

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
Direct Cost Type     Cost Type
Invoice   erp-green-arrows.png AP Cost (no Commitment)
Subcontractor Invoice   erp-green-arrows.png AP Cost (with Commitment)
Payroll   erp-green-arrows.png PR Cost
Expense   erp-green-arrows.png EQ Cost
Expense   erp-green-arrows.png IV Cost
Expense   erp-green-arrows.png JC Cost

Direct Cost Item Details

The fields for each Direct Cost entry imported into Procore are populated from the transactions in Viewpoint® Vista™ according to the table below:

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
Direct Cost Item Field     Item Field
Item/Invoice   erp-green-arrows.png Item/Invoice
Date   erp-green-arrows.png Accounting Date
No.   erp-green-arrows.png Auto Count1
Description   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Vendor   erp-green-arrows.png Vendor
Qty   erp-green-arrows.png Qty
UOM   erp-green-arrows.png UM
Unit Cost   erp-green-arrows.png Unit Cost
Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Amount

1Auto Count is typically 1 (one).

Prime Contract

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™  Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
Contract #   erp-green-arrows.png Contract
Title   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Original Contract Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Total Original Contract
#   erp-green-arrows.png Item1
Description   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Contract Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Amount

1Contract item numbering in Procore is sequential-numeric. When imported, the number or alphanumeric value assigned to an item in Viewpoint® Vista™ is replaced with the appropriate sequential number on the contract in Procore.

Prime Contract Change Orders

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
# erp-orange-arrows.png   ACO
Title erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Contract Item Code1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Contract Item1
Subtotal + Vertical Markups erp-orange-arrows.png   ACO Amount
Contract Amount erp-orange-arrows.png   Est Cost
Grand Total erp-orange-arrows.png   Revenue

1 If the option to create a new line item on the prime contract was selected during the entry of the PCO in Procore, the accounting approver will be prompted to assign the new Contract item ID number at the time of export. The Contract item Code entered is used to create the new item on the Contract in the Contracts application during this process. This item will be created with no original contract amount, the only value it will have is the approved change amount of the PCCO.

Subcontractor Invoices

Export from Procore only. When an invoice is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™, it is automatically posted in the Accounts Payable (AP) module.

Exports data from Procore to Viewpoint® Vista™ Imports data from Viewpoint® Vista™ to Procore
Viewpoint® Vista™
AP Invoice Header
Invoice     AP Transaction Entry or AP Unapproved Invoices
Contract Company erp-orange-arrows.png   Vendor
Invoice # erp-orange-arrows.png   APRef
Description1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Billing Date2  erp-orange-arrows.png   InvDate
Total Completed and Stored to Date erp-orange-arrows.png   InvTotal
Default Retainage erp-orange-arrows.png   Work Completed Retainage
AP Invoice Detail
Invoice     AP Transaction Entry or AP Unapproved Invoices
Description of Work erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Project # erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Phase
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   JCCType
Work Completed this Period erp-orange-arrows.png   GrossAmt
Work Retainage erp-orange-arrows.png   Retainage
AP Invoice Payment3
Payment Issued     Payment
Paid Date   erp-green-arrows.png Paid Date
Check Number   erp-green-arrows.png CMRef
Paid Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Paid Amount

The description for an invoice that will be created in [Your ERP Software] can be entered into the Description field by an accounting approver on the Ready to Export screen in the ERP Integrations tool under Subcontractor Invoices. If no description is entered at the time of export the Description field will be blank on the invoice created in Viewpoint® Vista™

This is filled automatically based on the Billing Date of the Invoice in Procore, but can be overridden at the time of export on the Ready to Export screen in the ERP Integrations tool under Subcontractor Invoices.

3Invoices that were created in Procore and sent to [Your ERP Software] as AP Unapproved invoices are not supported for payment syncing at this time. 

See Also