Viewpoint® Spectrum® Integration by Procore: Setup Guide


To set up the Integration by Procore to connect Procore and Viewpoint® Spectrum®.

Preparation Phase​

After purchasing the Viewpoint® Spectrum® Connector, this phase includes: 

  1. Receive the Welcome Email
    Procore assigns your account to a Integration Implementation Specialist, who sends a welcome email to your company's designated ERP implementation contact. The goals of this email are to provide you with the following:
    • Complete the ERP Questionnaire. After you are given access to your Procore account and begin the Account Setup process, the system will prompt you to complete an ERP Questionnaire.
    • Schedule your Viewpoint® Spectrum® Kick-Off Call. Your email invite will contain a selection of dates/time for the call. Please reply back to either confirm or suggest a time that works for the required members on your team. 
  2. Attend the Kick-Off Call
    At the kick-off call, your Integration Implementation Specialist will go over the integration process and plan. They will also obtain any needed information for the installation process and review any questions you have about the process.
  3. Attend the Go Live Call
    At the Go Live Call, your Procore point of contact will work with your company's Procore Administrator and/or your company's Viewpoint® Spectrum® Administrator to complete these tasks:
    • Enable Procore's ERP Integrations tool to work with Viewpoint® Spectrum®.
    • Configure the ERP Integration's Settings.
    • Procore training on the ERP Integrations tool.
    • (When possible) Export a project from Procore to a Viewpoint® Spectrum® or add a Viewpoint® Spectrum® job to Procore. 

Integration Phase

To complete the integration, do the following: ​​

Management Phase

See Viewpoint® Spectrum® for a full list of resources, including tutorials and FAQ.