Release Notes

Below are the notable changes to the Procore + Sage Intacct® integration.

Recent Changes

Enhanced Direct cost transaction deletion (02/21/2025) 

When users delete direct costs or direct cost line items with Sage Intacct®, the deletion is automatically reflected in Procore, eliminating the need for manual reconciliation. This feature has been turned on for all users. To learn more, see About Sage Intacct®.

ERP Enhancement to Budget Syncing Functionality (02/03/2025)

Procore has automated the export process for project cost codes, eliminating the need for manual refreshes before exporting financial objects. The new functionality now ensures that any new cost codes are automatically refreshed and exported, streamlining the workflow for users connected to ERP systems. This new functionality applies to ERP integrations that allow cost code/WBS code syncing and project exports. See Things to Know about the Project Financials + Sage Intacct® Connector to learn more.

Editable Contract Line ID for Sage Intacct® Prime contract change order Exports (01/17/2025)

Procore has introduced an editable field for specifying contract line IDs when exporting prime contract change orders to Sage Intacct®. This enhancement allow you to select your contract item code during export, reducing errors related to character limits and duplication. You do not need to contact support to begin using this new functionality. To learn more, see Sage Intacct® Detailed Data Mapping.

Refresh Prime Contracts synced with Sage Intacct® (01/14/2025)

In Procore, users can now refresh prime contracts on both the 'ready to import' and 'synced filters of the Prime Contract sub-tab in the ERP integration's tool. This ensures all changes made in Sage Intacct® are accurately reflected in Procore. To learn more, see Refresh a Prime Contract Synced With an ERP Integration.

Space delimiter option now available for cost codes in Sage Intacct® (01/14/2025)

The cost code segment delimiter functionality now supports blank spaces, enabling seamless import and usage of cost codes that match the appearance in your ERP system. Please contact your Procore point of contact to enable this feature. To learn more, see About Sage Intacct®.

Unlink prime contract change orders synced with Sage Intacct® (10/21/2024)

ERP Admins can now ‘reset’ PCCOs directly within the ERP tool without the need to contact support. To learn more, see Reset PCCOs Synced with ERP.

sync Prime Contracts & Prime contract change orders! (06/04/2024)

Users can now import prime contracts created in Sage Intacct® into Procore's Prime Contracts tool. You can now also export Prime Contract Change Orders (PCCOs) created in Procore to Sage Intacct®. To learn more, see About Sage Intacct®.