Set Up the Import Sage 300 CRE® Tax Groups Feature


To set up the Procore + Sage 300 CRE® integration to import tax groups from Sage 300 CRE® to use with Procore's tax code feature.


In Sage 300 CRE®, a tax group is used to calculate the tax rates on both purchase and sales transactions. They can also be imported into Procore. After importing them into Procore, Sage 300 CRE® tax groups are called tax codes. You and your project team members can then begin adding tax codes to a variety of different line items in Procore's financial tools, such as:

 To learn more about how tax codes can be used with Procore's financial tools, see ​How can I use tax codes on a project?


During your company's Procore + Sage 300 CRE® implementation process, a Integration Implementation Specialist will work with your Procore Administrator to configure the tax group and tax rate configuration settings in the hh2 synchronization client. See Set Up the hh2 Synchronization client for Importing Sage 300 CRE® Tax Groups.

Things to Consider



Before you use the steps below, ensure that you have created the desired tax groups in Sage 300 CRE® and confirm that your Integration Implementation Specialist has completed the required tax configuration steps and turned the feature ON in the Procore + Sage 300 CRE® microservice. 

 After completing the tasks in the Important note above, do the following:

Enable the Tax Code Settings in Procore

  1. Navigate to the company's Admin tool.
  2.  Under Project Settings, click Tax Codes.
  3. Place a mark in the Use Tax Code Settings checkbox. 
  4. Click Save
    Note: Your Integration Implementation Specialist will also need to enable an export setting in the Sage 300 CRE® microservice.

Set the Tax Type

  1. Navigate to the company's Admin tool.
  2. Under Tool Settings, click Tax Codes.
  3. Under Tax Type, you can create one (1) tax type as follows:
    • Name. Enter the name of the tax type. For example, enter GST (for Goods & Services Tax) or VAT (for Value-Added Tax). After you click Save, the name you enter here is updated on the [Tax Type] in the Tax Codes section of this page.
    • Description. Enter a descriptive name for the tax type. Typically, the name of the tax type will be abbreviated, so the description field lets you provide more information about the tax type. For example, enter Goods & Services Tax or Value-Added Tax
  4. Click Add icon-add.png.
  5. If you want to delete the tax type, click the red X button icon-delete-x.png next to the tax type line item.

Activate the Tax Codes Feature on a Procore Project

  1. Navigate to the project's Admin tool. 
  2. Click General
  3. Under Advanced Project Settings, place a mark in the Use Tax Codes check box. 
  4. Select the desired code from the Default Tax Code box. 
  5. Click Update.

See Also