Sage 300 CRE® Detailed Data Mapping


Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
  erp-green-arrows.png STANDARD COST CODES (JC)


erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png JOBS (JC)
SUB JOBS erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png EXTRAS (JC)
COMPANIES erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png AP VENDORS (AP)
BUDGETS 3 erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png ESTIMATE (JC)
erp-orange-arrows.png   COMMITMENTS (JC)
erp-orange-arrows.png   INVOICE CODE 1 & 2
PRIME CONTRACT    erp-green-arrows.png CONTRACTS (CN)/MISC. 




  erp-green-arrows.png JOB COSTS
  erp-green-arrows.png JOB COSTS TRANSACTION DETAILS

1 Custom WBS Segments are NOT supported.  
 To sync vendor insurance from Sage 300 CRE® to Procore, your Procore point of contact must enable a backend configuration setting during the implementation process.
 Exports the 'Estimated Cost at Completion' and 'Forecast to Complete' values from a Procore budget to Sage 300 CRE®.
 Includes Sage 300 CRE® tax groups. For more details, see How can I use tax codes on a Procore project? and Configure Tax Code Settings.
 Requires transactions generated from Work-In-Progress (WIP) in the Sage Billing module.
 Project level cost codes must be added to the project from the Company level ERP Standard Cost Code List. New cost codes must be created in your ERP system, and cannot be created in Procore.
 Includes miscellaneous worksheet transactions.
 Not supported for Canada.
 To set up exports, the hh2 sync client must be running version 467 or higher. See Set Up the Export Subcontractor Invoices Feature for Sage 300 CRE®.
**Procore Pay is only available in select markets in the United States at this time. To learn more about Sage 300 CRE® and Procore Pay, see Procore Pay and ERP: Detailed Data Mapping.

Standard Cost Codes/Types

Standard cost codes and categories from Sage 300 CRE® are automatically synced into the Sage 300 CRE® Standard Cost Codes and Cost Types respectively, which can be found in the Admin Tool settings in Work Breakdown Structure under Cost Codes and Cost Types.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Cost Code   erp-green-arrows.png Standard Cost Code ID
Code Code Description   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Cost Type   erp-green-arrows.png Standard Category ID
Cost Type Description   erp-green-arrows.png Description

Note: Project level cost codes must be added to the project from the Company level ERP Standard Cost Code List. New cost codes must be created in your ERP system, and cannot be created in Procore. Custom WBS Segments are NOT supported.  


When a Project is exported from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®, an import file is created for the Job Cost module. This import file is then run on the Sage 300 CRE® server automatically to create the Job record in Sage 300 CRE®. This import file contains 3 types of records.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Sage Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Job ID1
Project Name erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Job Name
Address erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Address
City erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png City
State erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png State
ZIP erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Zip
Cost Code2
erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Cost Code
Cost Code
Cost Type
Cost Code
Cost Type ID
erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Category
Cost Code

1 Export note: The Sage Job ID is entered manually by an accounting approver when a project is exported from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®. This may, or may not, depending on what the accounting approver has entered, match the Job Number found in Procore under the project-level Admin tool. This is stored as the Sage Job ID (you can view it in the company-level  ERP Integrations tool under the Synced section of Jobs) and is then used on other project related exports such as Budgets, commitments etc... Import note: If the job is imported from Sage 300 CRE®, the job ID will automatically populate in the project number field.

2 Both Standard and Project specific cost codes (which can be created in Sage 300 CRE® manually under Setup in Cost Codes) are synced up to the Project Cost Code list in Procore. Project specific codes are displayed in blue.

Sub Jobs/Extras

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Code erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Extra
Sub Job erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Description
Cost Code1
erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Cost Code
Cost Code
Cost Type
Cost Code
Cost Type ID
erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Category
Cost Code

1 Both Standard and Project specific cost codes (which can be created in Sage 300 CRE® manually under Setup in Cost Codes) are synced up to the Project Cost Code list in Procore. Project specific codes are displayed in blue.


Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®

ERP Company ID1

erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Vendor
Name erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Name
Address erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Address
City erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png City
State erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png State
ZIP erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Zip
Business Phone erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Telephone
Business Fax erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Fax Number

1 Export note: The ERP Company ID is entered manually by an accounting approver when a company is exported from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®. This is stored as the ERP Company ID (you can view it in the company-level ERP Integrations tool under Companies or in the company-level Directory tool) and is then used on other company related exports (Commitments, Commitment CO’s).

Company Insurance

Company Insurance information is only imported into Procore from Sage 300 CRE® on synced companies. Insurance information is retrieved from the AP Vendor Insurance (Global Level) in Sage 300 CRE®. This is an optional setting that can be enabled by ERP Support.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Type   erp-green-arrows.png Pulls only the Sage 300 CRE® default insurance types (if entered) – General Liability, Automobile, Umbrella & Worker’s Insurance
Policy Number   erp-green-arrows.png General Liability Insurance Policy Number 
Insurance Provider   erp-green-arrows.png General Liability Insurance Company
Limit Amount   erp-green-arrows.png General Liability Insurance Limit
Effective Date   erp-green-arrows.png General Liability Insurance Effective Date
Expiration Date    erp-green-arrows.png General Liability Insurance Expiration Date


Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Original Budget erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Original Estimate
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Cost Code
Category erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png Category

Budget Modifications

When a Budget Modification is exported from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®, an import file for Job Cost is created. This import file is then run on the Sage server automatically to create the transactions in Sage 300 CRE®. This import file contains 2 types of records.

Budget Modifications populate a different accumulation “bucket” in Sage 300 CRE® than the original estimate.  Once posted, the Budget Modification can be found in Job Cost > Setup > Jobs > Estimate Totals > Approved Changes.

 Phased Release: Budget Changes

Some ERP integrated clients may have already transitioned from Budget Modifications (Legacy) to the new Budget Changes experience. The legacy experience will continue to be available until November 2024. To learn more about the timeline for migration, see Common Questions.

Choosing to use the new Budget Changes experience will not impact the function of your ERP integration. You should still thoroughly review the available documentation before migrating to the new experience. We recommend you also discuss any concerns or questions about migrating your Budget Modifications to Budget Changes with your Procore point of contact. 

To learn more about the new Budget Changes experience, see About Budget Changes.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Sage Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job ID
Project Name erp-orange-arrows.png   Job Name
Address erp-orange-arrows.png   Job Address
City erp-orange-arrows.png   Job City
State erp-orange-arrows.png   Job State
Zip erp-orange-arrows.png   Job Zip Code
From/To1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Code ID
Category Description
Category ID
System date assigned at time of export erp-orange-arrows.png   Transaction Date
Amount erp-orange-arrows.png   Transfer Amount

1 Typically Budget Modifications are used to move money from one budget line item to another, usually with a zero sum effect.


Export from Procore only. 

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Commitment Header     Commitment Header
Sage 300 CRE® ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Subcontract #
Commitment Type1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Commitment Type
Title erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Contract Company2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Vendor ID
Date Created erp-orange-arrows.png   Date
Default Retainage erp-orange-arrows.png   Retainage
Commitment Item     Commitment Item
Sage 300 CRE® ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Commitment ID
Description erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Sage 300 CRE® Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Code
Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Category
Qty3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Units
Unit Cost3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Unit Cost
Units3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Unit Description
Contract Amount or Subtotal4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount

1 When a commitment is created in Procore you must select a type, Purchase Order or Subcontract. This is used as the commitment type for Sage 300 CRE®.

2 The ERP Vendor ID associated with the Contract Company is used on the import file for Sage 300 CRE®. You cannot export a commitment for a Contract Company that does not have an ERP Vendor ID.

3 Typically Units, Unit Cost and Unit Descriptions are only used on Purchase Orders.

4 The field is titled Contract Amount when working in a Subcontract, and it is titled Subtotal when working in a Purchase Order.

Commitment Change Orders

Export from Procore only. When entering the SOV for a Commitment Change Order in Procore, you have the option of selecting an existing line item, or entering a new line item. If you select an existing line item, a single import file (with 2 records, the Commitment Change Order and Commitment Change Order Item) is created for Sage 300 CRE® to create the Commitment Change Order record and the approved committed cost transactions. If you add a new line item, there are 2 import files used for Sage 300 CRE®. One is used to create the new line item (Commitment Item) on the commitment, and the other with 2 records to create the Commitment Change order record and the approved committed cost transactions. The import file(s) is/are then run on the Sage 300 CRE® server automatically. 

The import file is used to create the Commitment Change Order and the corresponding Job Cost transactions. There will be a Commitment Change Order Item record in the import file for each Commitment Change Order Item that has been entered in the Schedule of Values in Procore. The transactions are placed in the new.jct file and will have a transaction type of “Aprvd Cmmtt Cst Chng” in Sage 300 CRE®. These transactions will update the totals in Job Cost for the Job, Cost Codes and Categories when that batch is posted.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Commitment Change Order     Commitment Change Order
Sage 300 CRE® ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Commitment ID
Title erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
System Date at Time of Export erp-orange-arrows.png   Date
Status1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Status
Commitment Change Order Item     Commitment Change Order Item
Sage 300 CRE® ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Commitment ID
Qty2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Units
Contract Amount or Subtotal3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
Description4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Sage Job ID4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Cost Code4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Code
Type4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Category
Unit Cost2,4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Unit Cost
Units2,4 erp-orange-arrows.png   Unit Description

1 It is not possible to export a commitment change order with any other status than approved, so this is always the status on the import file.

2Typically Units, Unit Cost and Unit Descriptions are only used on Purchase Orders.

3The field is titled Contract Amount when working in a Subcontract, and it is titled Subtotal when working in a Purchase Order.

4Only when a New line item is selected when entering the SOV on the CCO.

Cost Forecast Data

If enabled, the information tracked in the Procore Budget for Forecast to Complete and Estimated Cost at Complete will be included in the export any time an original budget amount, or budget modfications are exported from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®. This is an optional setting that can be enabled using the Export Forecast Amounts feature under ERP Settings in the project Budget Configuration Settings. See How do I export cost forecast data from a Procore budget to Sage 300 CRE? for instructions.

For each budget line item, 2 transaction types (Misc worksheet1 and Misc worksheet 2) are created in Sage 300 CRE®. When posted, these will update the Msc cat amt 1 and Msc cat amt 2 fields on the Category record (Setup > Categories > MW and Custom Total).

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Estimated Cost at Complete     Misc Worksheet 1
Sage Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Sage Sub Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Extra
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Code
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Category
System Date automatically assigned erp-orange-arrows.png   Transaction Date
Estimated Cost at Complete erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
Automatically assigned 'Estimated Cost at Complete' erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Forecast to Complete     Misc Worksheet 2
Sage Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Sage Sub Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Extra
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Code
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Category
System Date automatically assigned erp-orange-arrows.png   Transaction Date
Forecast to Complete erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
Automatically assigned 'Forecast to Complete' erp-orange-arrows.png   Description

Job Costs

Import from Sage 300 CRE® only. Cost information is retrieved from Sage 300 CRE® for each Cost Code/Category on Synced projects for use in 2 locations in Procore, the Budget and the Job Costs report.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
JTD Cost   erp-green-arrows.png JTD Cost
Direct Costs   erp-green-arrows.png JTD Cost - Commitment Invoiced1
Job Costs Report      
Cost Code   erp-green-arrows.png Cost Code
Cat.   erp-green-arrows.png Category
Original Budget   erp-green-arrows.png Original Estimate
Original Budget Units   erp-green-arrows.png Original Estimate Units
Approved Budget Changes   erp-green-arrows.png Approved Estimate Changes
Approved Budget Unit Changes   erp-green-arrows.png Approved Estimate Unit Changes
Revised Budget   erp-green-arrows.png Total Estimate
Revised Budget Units   erp-green-arrows.png Total Estimate Units
Original Commitment   erp-green-arrows.png Original Commitment
Approved Commitment Changes   erp-green-arrows.png Approved Commitment Changes
Revised Commitment   erp-green-arrows.png Revised Commitment
Commitment Invoiced   erp-green-arrows.png Commitment Invoiced
Job to Date Cost   erp-green-arrows.png JTD Cost
Job to Date Actual Units   erp-green-arrows.png JTD Units
Job to Date Dollars Paid   erp-green-arrows.png JTD Dollars Paid
Month to Date Cost   erp-green-arrows.png MTD Cost
Month to Date Dollars Paid   erp-green-arrows.png MTD Dollars Paid
Month to Date Actual Units   erp-green-arrows.png MTD Units

1This is a calculated column that displays the difference between the two database fields in Sage 300 CRE®.

Job Cost Transaction Details

Import from Sage 300 CRE® only. If this feature is enabled, all posted cost transaction details from the Current.JCT file in Sage 300 CRE® are imported into the Direct Cost tool for each project. This provides transaction detail for the costs displayed in Procore, and if the budget view is configured properly the values of those transactions can be viewed into the Direct Costs or JTD Cost columns for a budget line item.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Direct Cost Type     Cost Type
Invoice   erp-green-arrows.png AP Cost
Subcontractor Invoice   erp-green-arrows.png AP Cost (with Commitment)
Payroll   erp-green-arrows.png PR Cost
Expense   erp-green-arrows.png EQ Cost
Expense   erp-green-arrows.png IV Cost
Expense   erp-green-arrows.png JC Cost
Expense   erp-green-arrows.png AP Cost
Direct Cost General Information      
Item Date   erp-green-arrows.png Accounting Date
Status   erp-green-arrows.png Automatically set to Approved
Description   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Vendor   erp-green-arrows.png Vendor (Only for transactions that originate from Accounts Payable)
Invoice #   erp-green-arrows.png Invoice (Only for transactions that originate from Accounts Payable)
Qty   erp-green-arrows.png Units
Unit Cost   erp-green-arrows.png Unit Cost
Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Amount

Prime Contract

Import from Sage 300 CRE® only. Contracts in Sage 300 CRE® can be created in the Contracts application (for jobs that have a Billing Method of Use Contracts), or in the Miscellaneous Worksheets task in Job Cost (for jobs that have a Billing Method of Use Quickbill). If the Billing Method on a job is Use Quickbill, a Billing Level must be specified. This Billing level will determine the level that the Schedule of Values (SOV) can be entered. The options are Job, Division and Section.  Regardless of how your prime contract information is recorded in Sage 300 CRE®, it can be imported into the Prime Contracts tool in Procore. The tables below provide details about the information that is imported into the Prime Contract tool in Procore depending on your Billing Method and Billing Level Settings in Job Cost. An SOV Item is created on the Schedule of Values tab in the Prime contract in Procore for each contract item entered on the contract in Sage 300 CRE®.

With the Job Billing level, Sage 300 CRE® will allow you to enter the Schedule of Value amount for the project at the job level under Tasks > Enter Miscellaneous Worksheets in Job Cost. This means a single, summarized, amount is all that can be entered for the project. When this type of Prime Contract is imported into Procore, there will be a single SOV item created on the Schedule of Values tab in the Prime contract.

With the Division Billing level, Sage 300 CRE® will allow you to enter the Schedule of Value amount for the project at the division level. This means a Schedule of Value amount can be entered for each cost code division on the job under Tasks > Enter Miscellaneous Worksheets in Job Cost. When this type of Prime Contract is imported into Procore, there will be a SOV item created on the Schedule of Values tab in the Prime contract for each cost code division that has a schedule of value amount entered in Sage 300 CRE®.

With the Section Billing level, Sage 300 CRE® will allow you to enter the Schedule of Value amount for the project at the section, or cost code, level under Tasks > Enter Miscellaneous Worksheets in Job Cost. This means a Schedule of Value amount can be entered for each cost code on the job. When this type of Prime Contract is imported into Procore, there will be a SOV item created on the Schedule of Values tab in the Prime contract for each cost code that has a schedule of value amount entered in Sage 300 CRE®.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
General     Billing Method - Use Contracts
Contract #   erp-green-arrows.png Contract
Title   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Description   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Actual Completion Date   erp-green-arrows.png Work Completed
Contract Start Date   erp-green-arrows.png Work Started
Status   erp-green-arrows.png Status
Date Created   erp-green-arrows.png Assigned based on the date imported
Schedule of Values     Billing Method - Use Contracts
Description   erp-green-arrows.png Description
Contract Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Original Contract Amount
General     Billing Method - Use Quickbill
Contract #   erp-green-arrows.png Job
Status   erp-green-arrows.png Automatically set to Approved
Date Created   erp-green-arrows.png Assigned based on the date imported
Schedule of Values     Billing Method - Use Quickbill
Billing Level - Job
Contract Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Original Contract Amount
Schedule of Values     Billing Method - Use Quickbill
Billing Level - Division
Cost Code   erp-green-arrows.png Cost Code, Description
Contract Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Original Contract Amount
Schedule of Values     Billing Method - Use Quickbill
Billing Level - Section
Cost Code   erp-green-arrows.png Cost Code, Description
Contract Amount   erp-green-arrows.png Original Contract Amount

Prime Contract Change Orders

Export from Procore only. Two transactions types are created in the Job Cost module when an approved Prime Contract Change Order is exported to Sage 300 CRE®. Approved Estimate Change transactions are created and these are used to update the Approved Estimate and Total Estimate on the job as well as Approved Scheduled Value Transactions, which are used to update the Approved Changes and Total Contract amounts on the job. Markups used on a Prime Contract Change Order in Procore are included in the Approved Scheduled Value changes and can be sent to the Approved Estimate Changes as well.

For Estimate Update Details, there will be a transaction created for each SOV item that has been created in the PCO in Procore. The transactions are placed in the new.jct file and will have a transaction type of Approved Estimate Change in Sage 300 CRE®. These transactions will update the totals for the Job, Cost Codes and Categories in Job Cost when that batch is posted to the current.jct. Each transaction will include the PCCO number from Procore in the Chg Mgt Ref 1 field.

For Approved Schedule Value Changes, the Sage 300 CRE® API will attempt to post these entries automatically when they are created in the new.jct file in Job Cost. If the job has a billing method of Use Contracts, once the entries are posted in Job Cost, it will also send transactions to the Contracts application to update the information there as well.

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
      Approved Estimate Change (Job Header)
Sage Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Project Name erp-orange-arrows.png   Job Name
Address erp-orange-arrows.png   Job Address
City erp-orange-arrows.png   Job City
State erp-orange-arrows.png   Job State
ZIP erp-orange-arrows.png   Job Zip Code
      Estimate Update Details
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Code ID
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Category ID
Cost Type erp-orange-arrows.png   Category Description
System date assigned at time of export erp-orange-arrows.png   Transaction Date
Contract Amount erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
# (Prime Contract CO #) erp-orange-arrows.png   Chg Mgt Ref 1
Automatically assigned as HH2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Chg Mgt Ref 1
      Approved Schedule Value Changes
Sage Job ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Automatically assigned as Approved Schedule Value Change erp-orange-arrows.png   Transaction Type
System date assigned at time of export erp-orange-arrows.png   Transaction Date
Sage Contract ID erp-orange-arrows.png   Contract
Contract Item Code1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Contract Item
Contract Change Amount erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
# (Prime Contract CO #) erp-orange-arrows.png   Chg Mgt Ref 1
Automatically assigned as HH2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Chg Mgt Ref 1

1 If the option to create a new line item on the prime contract was selected during the entry of the PCO in Procore, the accounting approver will be prompted to assign the new Contract item ID number at the time of export. The Contract item Code entered is used to create the new item on the Contract in the Contracts application during this process. This item will be created with no original contract amount, the only value it will have is the approved change amount of the PCCO.

Subcontractor Invoices

Export from Procore only. When an invoice is exported from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®, an import file is created for the Accounts Payable module. This import file is then run on the Sage 300 CRE® server automatically to create the invoice record in Sage 300 CRE®.

Note: The Current Payment Due that is displayed on the Ready to Export screen in the ERP Integrations tool under Subcontractor Invoices does not include the amount on the invoice for Retainage. Procore will send the Original amount and Retainage Amounts to Sage 300 CRE® separately as the Current Payment Due is a calculated amount in Sage 300 CRE® Accounts Payable (Original Amount - Retainage).

Exports data from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®  Imports data from Sage 300 CRE®  to Procore
Sage 300 CRE®
Contract Company erp-orange-arrows.png   Vendor
ERP ID1 erp-orange-arrows.png   Invoice
Description2 erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Billing Date erp-orange-arrows.png   Invoice Date
Total Completed and Stored to Date erp-orange-arrows.png   Original Amount
Total Retainage erp-orange-arrows.png   Retainage
Accounting Date3 erp-orange-arrows.png   Acct Date
Commitment # erp-orange-arrows.png   Commitment
Project # erp-orange-arrows.png   Job
Sub Job # erp-orange-arrows.png   Extra
Cost Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Cost Code
Budget Code erp-orange-arrows.png   Category
Description of Work erp-orange-arrows.png   Description
Work Completed this Period erp-orange-arrows.png   Amount
Work Retainage erp-orange-arrows.png   Retainage

1 The Invoice Number from the Subcontractor Invoice entered in Procore will prefill into the ERP ID field on the Ready to Export screen in the ERP Integrations tool under Subcontractor Invoices, however the accounting approver can modify this before the Invoice is exported from Procore to Sage 300 CRE®. The value that was entered in the ERP ID field at the time of export is stored as the Sage 300 CRE® ID (you can view it in the Synced section under in the ERP Integrations tool under  Subcontractor Invoices).

The description for an invoice that will be created in Sage 300 CRE® can be entered  into the Description field by an accounting approver on the Ready to Export screen in the ERP Integrations tool under Subcontractor Invoices. If no description is entered at the time of export the Description field will be blank on the invoice created in Sage 300 CRE®. 

3 This is filled automatically based on the Billing Date of the Invoice in Procore, but can be overridden at the time of export on the Ready to Export screen in the ERP Integrations tool under Subcontractor Invoices.

See Also