Configure Advanced Settings: Company Equipment


To configure advanced settings in the company's Equipment tool.


In the company's Equipment tool settings, you can configure your equipment categories, types, and makes. These options are provided when creating and editing equipment records in the Equipment tool.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the company's Equipment tool.
  2. Click the configure settings icon-settings-gear-grey3.png icon.

Category and Type Configuration

  1. Under the 'Category & Type' tab, enter a category of equipment.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Under the category, enter the type of equipment.
  4. Mark the Active checkbox to make the option available when creating and editing equipment records.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click the caret icon-expand-materials-esticom.png next to the category to expand the section and see the available types.
    Note: Click the delete icon-delete-trash6.png icon to remove available options.

Make Configuration

  1. Click the 'Make Configuration' tab.
  2. Enter the make for the equipment.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Under the make, enter the model and select the type.
  5. Mark the Active checkbox to make the option available when creating and editing equipment records.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Click the caret icon-expand-materials-esticom.png next to the make to expand the section and see the available models.
    Note: Click the delete icon-delete-trash6.png icon to remove available options.

See Also