Delete an Office Location

 Limited Release
Procore is adding a new 'Company Information' tab where certain companies can manage their office settings. If you do not see the 'Office Settings' options in the 'General Settings' tab, see Manage Company Information instead.


To delete an office location from the Office Settings list in the Company level Admin tool. 


If you have 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool, you can delete an office location from the Office Settings list only if it is not assigned to any projects in your company's Procore account. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the Company level Admin tool.
  2. Under 'Company Settings', click General Settings.
  3. Scroll to Office Settings.
  4. Click the RED X icon to the right of the office you wish to delete.


    • If a GRAY X icon appears for an office, it cannot be deleted. Hover your mouse cursor over the icon to view the reason.
    • To enable the RED X (i.e., enable the delete action), you must first remove the office from all of the Procore projects to which it has been assigned. You can do this by changing the Office setting on the appropriate projects. See Assign an Office Location to a Project
  5. Click Save.
    The permanently removes that office location from the Office Settings list.

See Also