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About Work Breakdown Structure

Welcome to Work Breakdown Structure

Welcome to Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) — a robust, flexible method for organizing and reporting on financial information. With WBS, your company can now create a customized framework of unique segments and rules for tagging, tracking, and reporting using data from Procore's Financial Management tools. 

Before getting started, please review the budget code concept in Procore's Project Financials and review the key features, limitations, and FAQS:

What is a budget code?

In Procore, a budget code in Procore's Project Financials has three default (3) segments: cost code, cost type, and an optional sub job segment that can only be enabled at the project level. See Enable Sub Jobs on Projects for WBS.


In Procore's production version, a budget code is limited to three (3) segments: cost code, cost type, and sub job (option). In Procore's new WBS, cost code and cost type continue to be required segments and the sub job segment remains an optional default segment. 


With WBS, you have greater flexibility and more granularity for budget codes by incorporating custom segments (see What are segments? and What custom segments should we create for our company's Work Breakdown Structure? In addition to the default paradigm of cost code, cost type, and the optional sub job, you can create up to ten (10) custom segments and arrange those segments (in any order that you want) to form your budget code. You can also name your segments anything you like. 



Key Features

Procore's WBS includes these key features:

  • Continue using Procore's three (3) default segments and create up to ten (10) custom segments. In the past, Procore company accounts and projects were limited to three (3) 'segments,' or data fields, that could be used on financial line items. These segments were: cost code, cost type, and sub job (optional).  With WBS, you can continue to use those three (3) segments and you can also create up to ten (10) custom segments to add to your budget code structure at the company level. To learn more, see What are segments? and What custom segments should we create for our company's Work Breakdown Structure?

    With Procore's WBS, you can now continue to use those three (3) default segments and also create up to ten (10) custom segments. 


  • Work Breakdown Structure tab in the Company and Project level Admin tools. In past versions of Procore, under 'Company Settings' in the Company level Admin tool, there were separate pages for Cost Codes, Cost Types, and Sub Jobs. With WBS, these items are consolidated on a single 'Work Breakdown Structure' page. Your company's default 'Cost Code,' 'Cost Type,' and 'Sub Job' segments are listed in this table (Note: 'The 'Sub Job' segment only appears if the 'Sub Job' feature is enabled on one (1) or more of your company's Procore projects). Any custom segments that you create, are also listed in this table (such as Revenue Items and Phase Code). There is also an editable 'Budget Code Structure' section where you can change the order of your segments. In the Project level Admin tool, the same Work Breakdown Structure page is listed under 'Project Settings'. 
  • Create flat or tiered custom segments. In WBS, a flat segment is a segment that contains a list of segment items with no hierarchy. An example of a flat segment in Procore is the default segment: 'Cost Type.' A tiered segment is a segment built into a tiered (hierarchical) tree structure. It is most easily understood as having a parent/child relationship. An example of tiered segment is 'Cost Code.' To learn more see, What is the difference between a flat and tiered segment in Procore's WBS?

    The diagram below shows you the difference between a flat and tiered segment. 


  • A Procore Imports app that is compatible with custom segments. For customers who were accustomed to using the Procore Imports app to import their cost codes, WBS includes an update version of the Procore Imports app that has been developed to allow you to import your custom segment data into Procore. 


Procore's WBS has the following limitations:

    • For customers using the Company level ERP Integrations tool
      The default segments in WBS are compatible with Procore's ERP Integrations tool. However, some integrations do NOT yet support custom segments. To learn more, see Things to Know about your ERP Integration.
    • For customers who have independently developed or purchased a third-party solution to integrate with Procore
      To take advantage of the custom segment capabilities associated with WBS, any existing API integrations that you have independently developed or purchased to interact with Procore must be updated to support Procore's new WBS API.