Procore Pay - Videos
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Create a Free Procore Account
Navigating the Payment Tool
Invite a Payee
Enable Lien Waivers and Set Default Templates
Add Sub-Tier Information to Commitments
Sign a Lien Waiver
Upload Sub-Tier Lien Waiver
Create Lien Waiver Templates
Edit or Delete Lien Waiver Templates
Request Revision or Approve Subtier Lien Waivers
Navigate an Invoice
Submit an Invoice
Add Insurance Documents
Create and Apply a Manual Hold
Edit or Release a Manual Hold
Enable or Disable Procore Pay on Projects
Compliance Documents and Payment Requirements
Add Contract Compliance Documents
Edit or Delete Contract Compliance Documents
Create a Disbursement
Cancel a Disbursement
Procore Pay Reporting
Create and Configure Commitment Compliance Templates
OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications
Add a Sub-Tier Lien Waiver