What can Procore's Preconstruction Consultation Package include?

Are you interested in learning more? Procore Consulting Services is an add-on service. To learn more about the pricing option for this service or to request a time estimate for a potential engagement, please reach out to your Procore point of contact.




Tackle your next strategic challenge and keep your team on track by engaging with Procore's Strategic Consulting Services. The Strategic Product Consulting Team is comprised of Procore Industry experts who specialize in implementation best practices, product strategy assessments, and training management.


Procore's Preconstruction Consultation Package is an add-on service focusing on Procore's Preconstruction tools.

The table below shares just a few examples of how Procore customers can begin an engagement with Procore's Strategic Product Consultants (SPCs).

Bid Management Potential benefits of your engagement…
How do I track compliance records (insurance, certifications, etc.)? Save employees incredible amounts of time by removing many of the non-value-added tasks they perform, such as manually creating and updating various tracking logs, double entering data between systems, chasing down missing information, and converting paper-based data into digital files. 
How do track trade coverage for my bids? Ensure your team understands the minimum amount of trade coverage needed for your next project by leveraging configurations on your bid list views.
How can I update my bidders on changes made to the original bid package? Send a new correspondence from your Bidding tool to notify your bidders of addendums or other changes to the bid package's information.
How can I remind my bidders of upcoming bid due dates? Enter a description and instructions that will appear on the invitation email that is sent to invited bidders.
How do I configure the Bidding tool correctly? Optimize efficiency and results you expect by confirming that your Bidding tool is configured properly for your company's unique needs.
How can I ensure I’m soliciting the most qualified bidders? Procore helps your organization establish a comprehensive bidding history for every project and bid package. All emails (both sent and received) are automatically attached to the vendor record within Procore's Bidding tool.
How do I streamline communication between my company and bidders? Leverage the built-in Correspondence feature to update bidders on changes to your bids. See which bidders have downloaded the bid documents to enable a bid administrator to follow up with the appropriate parties.
How can I use custom reports to save time and stay informed during the bidding process? Utilize grouping, filtering, and table configuration capabilities to organize your bid list.
Prequalification Potential benefits of your engagement…
How can I make sure my subs are qualified to bid? Gain confidence in your contractors through historical records on past performance, allowing teams to make better decisions and reduce exposure to risk.
How do I simplify my prequalification process and reduce risks on my projects? Reduce the time and effort it takes to qualify companies with our Prequalifications tool so that you can get started on your project sooner.
How do I keep track of the qualification status of my vendors? The Company List displays all the companies that have been invited to prequalify or have had their qualification status updated.
How do I set up prequalification for my company? Set your company up for success by reviewing the configuration and permission settings available in Procore's Prequalifications tool.
How can I save time when inviting companies to prequalify? Invite multiple companies at a time to prequalify from the Company level Directory tool.
How should my company review and approve Prequalification Forms? Review Prequalification Forms, set statuses, and/or create a Change Request for additional information with the Prequalifications tool.
How do I manage custom questions within the Prequalification Form? Increase efficiency during the qualification process by customizing your form’s questions at any moment, adapting to the changing needs of your business.
Estimating Potential benefits of your engagement…
How would I go about setting up a project that I'm bidding on? Follow the step by step process and utilize some or all of the custom features to set up projects, track their status, and win projects.
How do I transition from paper takeoffs to electronic? Quickly and easily leverage the tools within Estimating to complete electronic takeoffs.
Is it possible to estimate assemblies instead of individual material? Leverage the Material Catalog to build out industry and personal assemblies to streamline the estimating process.
How do I organize the projects that I'm bidding? Use the Project Dashboard for organizing, statusing and staying up to date on each project.
How do I take my takeoffs and turn them into a proposal? The Estimating tool will turn your estimates into a customizable proposal form that can be submitted. 
Am I able to add my fee, insurance, bonding, etc. to my estimate? Build out your company and project specific rates, fees, insurance and other costs to be included in your proposal. 
Can I automate my takeoff counts? Reduce the time to complete your takeoff using symbol recognition and auto-count.
I'm bidding on a project that includes some systems I don't typically provide. Is there any way to check my number? Estimating has an MEP material database that is backed by National Average Pricing so you can be confident in the proposal your submitting. 
Who is able to work on estimates from my company? All estimators on your team can see and interact with all of your company's bids. This means that estimates can be owned and completed by a single estimator or allow for multiple estimators to collaborate on an estimate. 
Can I sync my estimate to the project budget? Ensure projects are set up best for a desired connected workflow between Procore estimating, Procore project financials, and accounting. Integrated estimating makes the transfer of data during each new phase of a project easier than ever before, so all team members have what they need to succeed during tight deadlines.
How can I save time when creating Purchase orders for work captured in my estimate? Accomplish more with less by using estimates as the source of information needed to automate other project work tasks. Auto-create a PO SoV for a Procore project with your quantity-based estimate while performing a takeoff or estimate, saving time and resources which can be allocated elsewhere on the project.
Can I easily follow up on past bids? Set up your project contacts to automatically receive follow-up emails, satisfaction surveys, special offers, and similar information without having to spend a lot of time in the office. This allows you to keep your company's name in front of prospective clients without spending a lot of time doing so.
How can I improve collaboration between field experts and preconstruction for Constructability review? Cloud estimating equips project participants with features they need no matter where they are, field or office. Learn how to get involvement from field teams during early design estimates to capture notes around constructability issues found on early sets of drawing plans. Use a team task list in Procore Estimating to assign and track action items needed during preconstruction. A solid system in place will enhance team collaboration and hold everyone accountable. Projects that include early involvement between field and office personnel boost operational efficiency and drive better outcomes
Is it possible to customize the proposal/bid? Leverage the Proposal Builder to fully customize and create company, project templates to deliver on your and client's specific proposal/bid needs. 

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