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Permissions: New Company Level Permissions Templates

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
Feature Released: November 17, 2020 / Feature Updated: November 24, 2020


New Permissions Templates for Company Level Tools

Procore has released an update to the company's Permissions tool: permissions templates for company level tools. This release makes managing permissions on company level tools more efficient and helps prepare the company's Permissions tool for future enhancements.

At the time of release, users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Directory tool were not automatically granted 'Admin' access to the company's Permissions tool. The levels of access on other company and project tools given to users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Directory tool remain unchanged. A user's company permissions must be updated in the Company level Directory tool for them to be granted 'Admin' access to the company's Permissions tool. See Edit a User Account in the Company Directory.


Company Permissions Templates Tab

The new Company Permissions Templates tab is where company permissions templates are created and managed.

Create and Edit a Company Permissions Template

The first step to managing permissions templates for Company level tools is to create them. See Create a Company Permissions Template. After entering a name for your new company permissions template, you'll be redirected to the Edit Template tab for your newly created template. See Edit a Company Permissions Template.


Company Permissions Templates: Actions

Once your company has created one or more company permissions templates, the Company Permissions Templates tab shows all company permissions templates and includes how many active users and how many inactive users have each company permissions template assigned. Clicking the 'Actions' drop-down menu for a permissions template displays the following options:

  • Edit Template. Selecting this option will redirect you to the 'Edit Template' tab where the permissions for each Company level tool are configured for the permissions template. See Edit Template.
  • Manage Users. Selecting this option will redirect you to the 'Manage Users' tab where users currently assigned to the permissions template can be reviewed and can be reassigned to a different permissions template individually or in a group using 'Bulk Actions' by marking the checkbox next to one or more users you want to reassign. See Manage Users.
  • Rename. Selecting this option will open the 'Rename Company Permissions Template' window where the permissions template can be renamed from the list view. The permissions template can also be renamed in the 'Edit Template' tab. See Rename a Company Permissions Template.
  • Delete. Selecting this option will open one of two windows: 'Are you sure you want to delete this template?' (if no users have been assigned to the permissions template) or You Must 'Reassign All Users Before Deleting This Template' (if one or more users have been assigned to the permissions template). See Delete a Company Permissions Template.


User Permissions Tab

The new 'User Permissions' tab is where company level permissions templates and default project permissions templates can be assigned to users in the Permissions tool. The list view on this tab shows all users in the Company level Directory with their associated company, their assigned company permissions template, their default project permissions template, and their user status (active or inactive). The list view is also searchable and filterable. See Search for and Filter Users in the Permissions Tool.

Clicking the 'Actions' drop-down menu for a user on this page displays the options to 'Assign Company Permissions' or 'Assign Default  Project Permissions'. These actions also support 'Bulk Actions', meaning you can mark the checkbox next to one or more users and assign all of them to the same company permissions template or the same default project permissions templates at one time. See Assign Company Permissions Templates in the Permissions Tool and Assign Default Project Permissions Templates in the Permissions Tool.


See Also


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