Add Comments to Tasks (Android)

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To add comments to a task on an Android mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions: 
    • 'Admin' permissions on the Tasks tool.
    • 'Standard' permissions on the Tasks tool AND is an Assignee or Creator of the task.
      • If you are the Creator, you can update the task to include any Status.
      • If you are an Assignee, you can update the status to 'Initiated', 'In Progress', or 'Ready for Review', but NOT to 'Closed' or 'Void.'
  • Additional Information:
    • You can also change the status of a task when editing it. See Change the Status of a Task.
    • Important! After you post a comment, it becomes a permanent part of the task's history. It cannot be deleted from the task at a later time.


  1. Navigate to the Tasks tool using the Procore app on an Android mobile device.
  2. Tap the task you want to add comments to.
  3. Tap the plus icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon.
  4. Enter your comments into the Comment text box.
  5. Optional: Tap one of the following options:
    • Camera: Add photos to your comment.
    • Attachments: Add files to your comment.
  6. Tap Save.

See Also