View a Daily Log in the List View (Android)
Also available on
To view a daily log entry from your Android mobile device.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions
- To see all daily log entries:
- 'Read Only' or higher permissions on the project's Daily Log tool.
- As a collaborator:
- To see only your daily log entries:
- 'Read Only' or 'Standard' on the project's Daily Log tool with the 'Collaborator Entry Only' granular permission enabled on your permissions template.
- To see your daily log entries and those of others at your company:
- 'Read Only' or 'Standard' on the project's Daily Log tool with the 'Collaborator Entry Only' AND 'View entries associated to users within the same company' granular permissions enabled on your permissions template.
- Navigate to the Daily Log tool in the Procore App on an Android mobile device.
- Tap the date you want to view.
- Tap the category to see daily log entries.