Within your project you can keep track of all of the associated project documents. Whether you want to simply upload your files, show the location of them, or attach one to an asset, you can. Files added create a row in the table view that can be opened or connected to another asset. If you'd prefer to have your file overlay on the map (often done with images or PDFs), check out our article about adding a Plan Layer.
Here's how to add a file:
FOR PHOTOS: iOS has additional security measures that strips the location data from photos when adding from within a browser. If you are using Unearth on iOS, we recommend using the Unearth Mobile App to add photos on iOS for this reason, as it will retain its location data. If you must work from an iOS mobile browser, there is a workaround: First, "share" the photo from your camera roll and "Save to Files." Then, when adding the photo in Unearth, click "Choose Files" rather than "Photo Library" and select it from the files - this will retain the location data.
If you run into any issues or have any questions, please reach out to us at unearthsupport@procore.com.
Revised February 2023