What do the different DocuSign® banners in Procore mean?


When using the Procore + DocuSign© integration, different banners appear in Procore to notify you about the current status of the DocuSign© envelope and its signature status. If you don't use the Procore + DocuSign© integration for thirty (30) days, you will also encounter a banner that alerts you to re-authenticate your DocuSign© account. If an issue prevents Procore from accessing a DocuSign© envelope, a banner also appears to let you know the envelope is not available so you can troubleshoot the issue. 


Below is a brief explanation of all the banners that appear in Procore when using the Procore + DocuSign© integration.

DocuSign© Envelope Setup Not Completed

If a users created a DocuSign® envelope but did NOT complete the setup process in Procore, this banner appears. 


The user who created the envelope or a user with 'Admin' level permissions on the Procore tool from which the data was sent can use one of these buttons. 

Click this button... To launch DocuSign® to complete this task...
Void Render the envelope and any collected signatures as 'Void' by permanently removing the envelope from DocuSign®. To create a new envelope, return to the create page and click Complete with DocuSign again. Clicking Void sends an email to notify recipients that the envelope was voided. 
Refresh Send a request to refresh Procore with the most current information available in DocuSign®.  You must wait five (5) minutes before you can click this button again.
Download Download the envelope's PDF in its current state. 
Finish Finish setting up the envelope. 

Signature Pending

If a user sent data from Procore and created a DocuSign® envelope, this banner appears while DocuSign® is waiting for the envelope's recipient's signature(s). If the envelope has multiple recipients the name of the Ball In Court person appears in the banner message. 


The user who created the envelope or a user with 'Admin' level permissions on the Procore tool from which the data was sent can use one of these buttons. 

Click this button... To launch DocuSign® to complete this task...
Void Permanently remove the DocuSign® envelope. When you perform this action, any collected signatures become Void automatically. To collect signatures on the envelope, you must return to the item's Create page and click Complete with DocuSign again. Clicking Void sends an email to notify recipients that the envelope was voided. 
Edit Open the DocuSign® envelope to modify it. 
Refresh Send a request to refresh Procore with the most current information available in DocuSign®.  You must wait five (5) minutes before you can click this button again.
Download Open the DocuSign® envelope to view it. 

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Signature Required

When the setup of a DocuSign®  envelope is complete and awaiting your signature, the following banner appears. 


If you receive a DocuSign®  envelope and need to sign it, you can use this button. 

Click this button... To launch DocuSign®  to complete this task...
Void Permanently remove the DocuSign® envelope. When you perform this action, any collected signatures become Void automatically. To collect signatures on the envelope, you must return to the item's Create page and click Complete with DocuSign again. Clicking Void sends an email to notify recipients that the envelope was voided. 
Edit Open the DocuSign® envelope to modify it. 
Refresh Send a request to refresh Procore with the most current information available in DocuSign®.  You must wait five (5) minutes before you can click this button again.
Sign Sign the DocuSign® envelope. 
Download Download the DocuSign® envelope's PDF in its current state.

Signature Completed

When all of the required signatures have been collected from the recipients on the DocuSign®  envelope, the following banner appears. 


If you receive a DocuSign®  envelope and need to sign it, you can use this button. 

Click this button... To launch DocuSign®  to complete this task...
Withdraw Void all signatures and permanently remove the DocuSign®  envelope.
Edit Modify the DocuSign®  envelope.
Download Download the DocuSign® envelope's PDF in its current state.

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Re-Authentication Required

If the user who created the DocuSign®  envelope has not logged into the Procore + DocuSign® integration for more than thirty (30) days, the following banner appears. 


Click this button... To launch DocuSign® and complete this task...
Re-Authenticate Log into DocuSign® using the same DocuSign® account that you used to create the envelope. 
Refresh Send a request to refresh Procore with the most current information available in DocuSign®.  You must wait five (5) minutes before you can click this button again.

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DocuSign© Envelope is Currently Unavailable

If Procore determines that the DocuSign® envelope is inaccessible, this banner appears when an envelope is deleted directly in DocuSign®. Follow the instructions on-screen and contact Procore Customer Support if you need assistance. You can click the close (x) icon to dismiss the message. 


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See Also