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Add Project Links to the Home Page (Android)


To add external links to your project's Project Overview screen on an Android mobile device.


Project Links are a way for users to share tools and information that exists outside Procore with their teams within Procore's web app. These links can include a variety of resources such as webcams, Google Sheets, and marketing sites. Admins on Project Overview provide the link title and URL; anyone with access to the Project Overview can view the links in the screen's Project Links tile. Project Links are like bookmarks for your browser--clicking on them will open the link in a new window.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions
    • 'Admin' level permission on the project's Admin tool or Project Overview to add a project link.
    • 'Read-Only' level permission or higher on project-level tools and access permission to the project to view Project Overview links.


  1. Navigate to a project on your Android mobile device.
    Note: This brings you to the Project Overview screen for that project. 
  2. Tap Dashboard in the toolbar.
  3. Tap information icon-info-black-ios.png.
  4. In the 'Project Links' tile, tap the icon.
  5. Enter a title for the new project link.
  6. Enter the URL (web address) for the project link.
  7. Tap Save.
    The project link now appears in the Project Links tile. 

Project Links_Android.png