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Mention Someone in a Photo Comment (Android)

Also available on  ios-gray-icon.jpg  web-gray-icon.jpg


To mention a team member on a project's photo using an Android mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Photos tool.
      Note: You can only mention users who have 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Photos tool.
  • Additional Information:
    • When a user is mentioned on a photo, they will receive an email notification informing them that they have been mentioned. If the user has enabled push notifications for this feature, they will receive a push notification on their mobile device instead of an email.


  1. Navigate to the project's Photos tool on an Android mobile device.
    This reveals the project's photos feed.
  2. Under the photo to which you want to add an comment, tap icon-comment-android.png Add a Comment.
  3. Type to access a list of users you can mention on the photo.
  4. Tap the name of the user you want to mention in the comment.
    Note: Only users with 'Standard' or 'Admin' permissions to the Photos tool will show on the list.
  5. Add a relevant comment or question for your team member.
  6. Tap Send. This action automatically sends an email notification informing the selected team member that they have been mentioned on a photo.
    Your mention will now appear under the photo in the photos feed.